hello. i'm jenny page.
long ago, i had a kick#ss band in bakersfield cali, the dusk devils. you still can find dd music online. i'm from a wonderful family & now live in the mountains of cali with my dear spouse, whiteboy james, aka james or other names i won't list here. we're as happy as two nuts can be. life's an adventure, a chore, a beauty, a choice, a turn -- short, but as good as you make it (in this culture, anyways), so let's not forget that!
yesterday, no school due to snow that Never Arrived... today, snow day numero dos! and this one is warranted! it's wondrous to witness the changing weather up here. this a.m. i had my coffee & watched the dark sky to the east suddenly melt into the most beautiful robin's egg blue tinged with eastery pinks & yellows & silvers & thought, well, that's it, better get ready for work, when shazam! just like that, black clouds enveloped the heavens & walls of snow started dancing & prancing across the sky like a scene from a vintage holiday movie! james says after a lifetime in smell/swellay (my name for it, not his), he enjoys seeing four seasons. i second it!
but oh heck, what now? i've had coffee, straightened the house, read for quite a while, petted the cat, researched how to fix an electric keyboard, paid bills, ate breakfast, drank more coffee,... (thumbs twiddling...) ... and now begins the descent into instant Cabin Fever... arrghhhh...
this past wkend was quite busy with music & being in the car going this place & that. here are nice pix snapped by roger f & richard c sat at shenanigan's. i will not write that i need to lose weight. oops -- already did... oh well. it was really fun playing that day with wonderful anthony & king james. we thundered!! we kicked a*s!! the place was packed. people cheered & laughed & danced. it was a real kick!
we are getting old, but we still take a good pic, i think...
i hurt myself working too much in the book room at school yesterday, but that's a good thing about being formerly athletic (as well as a female w/lifelong entanglings w/the moon)
: i know what physical pain feels like, so i can bear it. plus gimme muscle pain any time over the head & chest pain i lived with in bakersfield (sinus infections, asthma, allergies, blehh!)... long ago, a kind friend gave me a buckwheat-filled heating donut, so that's easing the throbbing muscles & joints right now while i cool my heels, waiting to go to school on a snow-delay day. we'll see what happens weather-wise. supposed to have snow all week. woo-hoo! that's good for the mountain. however, we're supposed to be at shenanigan's this eve, so hope the weather won't prevent that!
- now i know why james's childhood friend lisa, a very successful reality-tv producer, opted NOT to create a reality show based on james. i read this article in the NYer (my fave mag, yknow, cause i get free copies & can read & read & read for hours & hours, plus the cartoons are great). the article was about a female reality-tv producer, likely someone lisa knows bc the article's subject was a co-producer on one of lisa's shows, the bachelorette. the business sounds soul-sucking, requiring one to resort to calculating, brutal, immoral tactics. lisa said at the time, i can't subject james to that. the article's subject (no, i don't remember her name) eventually quit & produced a parody of the reality-tv biz, the name of which i can't remember, either. ah-so. this comes up bc this pic came from the cartoon part of the "pitch" i created for lisa for james's prospective show. i used the image for tomorrow's music show at shenanigan's. - we celebrated an anniversary, kind of, on jan 8, what would've been elvis's 85th birthday. jan 8 2010 was the first time i saw james in the flesh. he remembers me as having birds & flowers tweeting & flying around my head, like snow white, he says, & an entourage of guys flocking around me, he likes to say. and that's the eve he told his former guitar player, "i'm gonna marry that girl." wow! i remember a tough-looking boy-man with large forehead & determined, fixed gaze who tho bald & obviously middle-aged was boisterously friendly & cute as a big kid. then he kept laying kisses on me, & tho wet, they were very romantic, not lecherous. i'd never had anyone do that! i was wobbling, confused, seeing stars as my former guitar player & i got in his car to drive off & he said, "i think someone LIIIKES you!" here are some pix from jan 8 2017, in front of the gias' beautiful door, & one from later that day at o'henning's in bakersfield/ oildale, where james played some & i got up to sing one w/him. we'll be there this sunday, too, to support kaykay, after saturday's show at shenanigan's, where i'll be bass for the day. with steve at his place in hawaii right now, i'm looking fwd to seeing little anthony & playing some music. old fart who don't like me, be danged. ha!
ok, so to be more linear, here's where we'll be:
-fri, snowed in, no blasters show in ventura
-sat, shenanigan's, LBC, 2-6 pm
-sun, o'hennings, oildale/bakersfield, kaykay jagger benefit, 3 pm
the snow is doing 100 different dances outside, & here is what i posted on facebook. bye for now. :)
Snow day! Originally we were on 2 hr school delay, & in a moment of miracle, our bad cat sat in my lap (only the 2nd time he's done this) & went to sleep as I drank my morn coffee & admired the (then) light snowfall. Now it's really coming down: lovely! Yesterday at school, the kids were lunatics toward end of day!! What is going on with you guys?!? I implored. We're gonna have a snow day tomorrow!! they cheered. How can you tell? I said. We just know! the little barometers cried. But the snow bunnies! they whined. We don't want them to come up here! They make a mess & we cant go anywhere!! Yes, on NY Day, get this: an estimated 168,000 people came up to this mountain to see the snow. 168,000!!!! The entire greater mtn population is less than 15,000! In attempt to better regulate things, signs coming up the mountain now read Chains Required & 2 Hours to Snow Play. It was taking 2 to 4 hours on NY to drive 15 miles! Tons & tons of garbage, too, were left by the roadsides. I hope this time will be better!
no, this site won't let me upload a simple music file, either... if i knew more about coding, i'd be able to do it, no problemo...
(hang on a minute...)
i don't know if that will work...
- the 1st song is james & me fiddling around one eve when he was feeling sentimental about his long-time friend & mentor... but i wish i had practiced before recording it... i've developed a potty mouth in past years, never would've said "sucked" in previous life (however, just read those who swear are more imaginative, so maybe i'm gettin more maginative)... james came in to my classroom this eve (i stayed late to grade papers & do the 100 other little tasks teaching school requires) & started playing "help you dream" on the classroom pianny, singing the melody so sincerely over the wrong changes like he does (how does he do that?!?), so i stopped grading & played as he sang & looked into my eyes with a little tear & a smile & it was a moment surely sweeter than when mr alvin did that one night long ago when i'd gone to see the blasters... james is pure heart, which those who love him know (but as he always say, most who think they know him, don't at all...)
the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th are these: a song i wrote while we were separated; a voice acting demo i recorded from a book & i forgot the details of, which is lame bc its words are very wise; and a song i wrote years ago in the dusk devils days that james wants to use in his repertoire/album eventually, but i wanted to put it on here now bc i have little self-control at times, so if i put this one on here, i won't put on here the other 10 songs i want to, ones he's gonna put in his repertoire eventually cause i shouldn't do that, but i wrote this one & actually used to sing this it, too, so i'll put it up...
what else? deutsche kuchen red cabbage & apples. bomb-a*s aldi, our new favorite grocery store. (we went in germany! there's one in backwardfield! now THAT is weird!). new strength moves. the trabampoline. a new side job as book clerk at school. tomorrow after yoga, if i can find a haz-mat suit, i'll go to school & start cleaning it out. today, a clean septic tank for only $600 (aaah! kill me now!). funny how the bathroom smells so much better now, less eau de bum. neat articles about ursula k le guin, leonard cohen (the new yorker: endless reading, so cheap, & the best cartoons). power failure on the mountain. caveman cavey's, such great pizza. yum! 23 degrees this morn, with ice so hard on my windshield, the ice scraper couldn't budge it! our cat, his whisker now mysteriously curled. such a feline butthead, he certainly would never rescue us from a vicious dog, as a bakersfield cat hero recently did when its 6-year old human-child was attacked. something i just learned about: quipa. and the language created by & used by only women: nushu... so much blablablaboloney that doesn't make any sense, even swimming in the head that thinks it... you might know how the big dumb coconut can roll like a big wheel... through a georgia cotton field... so i will hush. ta-ta for now!
just checking in since i haven't written in a long bit. here are some randoms:
- went to post office, which was closed, bearing tardy holiday gifts that are past-due needing a-mailing, saw group of frozen locals standing on edge of highway with signs reading "if you won't respect our home, LEAVE." man, you should've seen the traffic crawling along the little highway! mile after mile of visitors, which the locals were protesting: the messy, multitudinous snow bunnies who've clogged our roads & hillsides of late. our poor little mountain has looked almost bad as the 405 at some times recently.
- james & i caught some of it driving back home on christmas day. at first we grumbled & complained, then started to enjoy watching all the flatlander families playing in the white stuff, hundreds, maybe even a G of 'em between fort tejon & gorman along the 5 as well as along the highway to our town, clambering & sliding on the hillsides, climbing over private fences, taking selfies, laughing, making snowmen, packing snow in their vehicle beds & on hoods, heck, one family even had out a full picnic & BBQ set up!
- still, presence of the hordes ultimately is annoying bc we live up here in part NOT to deal w/urban human numbers. funny: Facebook wags referred today to "snow dummies" & "citiots," the latter of which definitely is my favorite neologism of late... it made the whole thing light-hearted again. plus, give this a week & we'll be back to being a tiny mountain hamlet with near-no visitors... with luck the bunny/dummy invasion has helped local business...
- oh, i think that's it. vacation is over, it's still cold cold cold up here, but tomorrow morn bright & early, i'll be in the stalwart subaru heading to school... i've missed my students, but there's much to be said for sleeping in... feliz anyo nuevo [sic]