- the mysterious max lingo posted a vid from sat night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lajvnGZLMTA ... would imbed it here, but my voice is just a little too laryngitic in the clip for me to feel secure about the singing!!!
- ... many kids at school have commented they saw me on tv, youtube... promoters must've done some publicity on that sat show. too bad i was too sick to see any of it!!!
- saturday's was an immense stage. it was ant music for ant people, bad music for bad people, blablablablablablabla... andale: went to book fair today; lost & found cell phone (curse that infernal thing); was brimstone-breathing dragon teacher due to being sick (poor kids, the uncooperative heathens); went to rx; sent song to whiteboy james that i wrote him (he has commented a few times how much he likes my song "bride of frankenstein"!). brian had wonderful retirement party; was so happy for him, to hear that so many others know him as a man of character & heart. hope he'll transition smoothly into retirementhood; he sure has enough interests, between the hard sciences, engineering, numbers, motorcycles, fellowship, reading, invention, & ceramics/stained glass...
- am headed soon to kickboxing & hope it'll remedy my weird stomach ache & bring improved health somehow (found out i have viral bronchitis)... this wkend's the drunk convention (fri-sun @ doubletree); hope am well enough to do the 5k sat am. then it's off for a northern trip to commemorate 11 yr anniversary & visit woodrow. senyor mark will watch the baby boys & satanic cat here; muchas gracias, amigo.
- rereading, i see many hopes. what is life w/o them? tho mine are not always positive, hope usually no longer feels desperate: it's a marker of love, life, possibility...
- that's it; hope all yall be happy & prosperous, however you may define those thingies...
hello. i'm jenny page. long ago, i had a kick#ss band in bakersfield cali, the dusk devils. you still can find dd music online. i'm from a wonderful family & now live in the mountains of cali with my dear spouse, whiteboy james, aka james or other names i won't list here. we're as happy as two nuts can be. life's an adventure, a chore, a beauty, a choice, a turn -- short, but as good as you make it (in this culture, anyways), so let's not forget that!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
still not pushing up daisies

- spring fest: beautiful weather; great crew & staff; nice dressing room; humungous stage!! (note photos above - we all look like ants, tho brian got a great close-up of the men.) totally blinding spotlight!! i could see dear mom & dad & ramirezes out there, not really much else... on the periphery, some figures dancing, kids running around, stacy from rabobank singing along!... mark was really sick. phil kicked butt!!! rick was solid. i made it thru the set w/some voice still left, but it was raspier & more painful the longer we went. drank too many energy drinks to make it thru; made it home & buzzed buzzed buzzed like a bumblebee for hrs.
- the nicest moment was during sound check. we finished, & i heard a child's voice: "mrs b!" it was one of my favorite library students. her eyes were lit up & she was grinning ear to ear. "i didn't know you were a singer," she said sweetly. i swear those eyes were full of love. that's how kids are. :) i know i love them, anyhow.
- after the show, a young teacher i know brought his little girls up & they hugged me. before the show, david & yolanda brought their grandkids to the dressing rm. i am so fortunate.
- and today, i only kind of feel like i have the plague. there is hope!!!!
- we have many shows coming up. maybe at one, we'll all be well. :) wouldn't that be something???? all shows are listed at www.myspace.com/theduskdevils ... a most blessed & beautiful day to any who might read this...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
let's get out of here, now, with a little bit of this stuff here
Friday, March 27, 2009
rip, dear reba. what a kind, responsible, cheerful lady. good thoughts to her memory, & to leon. memorial is sun 2 pm at the club. many will speak about her, remember her fondly. am glad to have known her even a little; her happy face will be missed. hope she rests comfortably, wherever she may be now.
struck down by illness yesterday afternoon (the library job is a killer - so many germy books), am home today seriously sick, pain pain in throat, ears, ohhhhh... we have a show tomorrow. the show must go on, tho i might be dead afterward. wish me luck, if you read this, or to break a leg. i wish it to you, no matter what your wkend looks like, good times, life, seize the day, for as the dead remind us: eram quod es, eris quod sum
yowch. i just swallowed. to quote bill cosby, "ice creammmm...."
struck down by illness yesterday afternoon (the library job is a killer - so many germy books), am home today seriously sick, pain pain in throat, ears, ohhhhh... we have a show tomorrow. the show must go on, tho i might be dead afterward. wish me luck, if you read this, or to break a leg. i wish it to you, no matter what your wkend looks like, good times, life, seize the day, for as the dead remind us: eram quod es, eris quod sum
yowch. i just swallowed. to quote bill cosby, "ice creammmm...."
Monday, March 23, 2009
dusk devils on art fein's poker party (r.i.p. for now)
art posted my least-favorite of my songs, which i wrote thinking of my friend becky, the haughtily-glamorous cattie ness. it's my least favorite, i think, because i'm not haughty!! but on becky, the quality's very alluring. :) i think it'd be fun to be haughty, maybe... the best part of the vid is art's little whoop at the end. it's great to play when he's there bc of his enthusiastic response, like a little kid. :) please watch & rate & thanks.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
duskdevils saturday march 28, 8:30 pm, free outdoor show, bring la familia!, plus blablabla
mark made this: 
it is amazingly lovely here in bako right now... am not even jealous of art fein for being at sxsw & i'm not!! :) he called a few days ago to say wish you were here or maybe thumb his nose, so i called him back "on behalf of the working class of america" to announce that SOME of us schlubs have to WORK!!!! (look for full AF sxsw report on www.sofein.com) (my tx cousin was here, lessening the injury: her bawdy joy really makes anyplace feel fun as austin, tho certainly in a more quotidian way...) actually, things worked out best w/ddevils NOT going to sxsw, since we all have had family or other issues, & family always will trump band, to sound decidedly unrocknrollish... this wkend dear friends F&B are here, & last night we supped at mama roomba's, & today visited the once-but-no-longer-secret hot springs in the canyon & i hiked around & climbed up rocks & sang w/the birds & the wildflowers (how could a person not?), then we grubbed at the dam corner (well, they had salads; i grubbed) & man, you should hear the avian symphony going on up here in this 2nd-floor aerie right now.
must be 1st-day-of-spring syndrome: beauty is everyplace, & i don't know where i'm going, but at this sec, it's to the shower, & later i hear we'll have pistachio ice cream or maybe the elvis sundae at moo creamery (ice cream, bacon, marshmallow, banana, peanut butter). (ahh... PB... god bless george washington carver...) not much could be better, not at this second, & may this day bring you, too, kicks & grins a-plenty.

it is amazingly lovely here in bako right now... am not even jealous of art fein for being at sxsw & i'm not!! :) he called a few days ago to say wish you were here or maybe thumb his nose, so i called him back "on behalf of the working class of america" to announce that SOME of us schlubs have to WORK!!!! (look for full AF sxsw report on www.sofein.com) (my tx cousin was here, lessening the injury: her bawdy joy really makes anyplace feel fun as austin, tho certainly in a more quotidian way...) actually, things worked out best w/ddevils NOT going to sxsw, since we all have had family or other issues, & family always will trump band, to sound decidedly unrocknrollish... this wkend dear friends F&B are here, & last night we supped at mama roomba's, & today visited the once-but-no-longer-secret hot springs in the canyon & i hiked around & climbed up rocks & sang w/the birds & the wildflowers (how could a person not?), then we grubbed at the dam corner (well, they had salads; i grubbed) & man, you should hear the avian symphony going on up here in this 2nd-floor aerie right now.
must be 1st-day-of-spring syndrome: beauty is everyplace, & i don't know where i'm going, but at this sec, it's to the shower, & later i hear we'll have pistachio ice cream or maybe the elvis sundae at moo creamery (ice cream, bacon, marshmallow, banana, peanut butter). (ahh... PB... god bless george washington carver...) not much could be better, not at this second, & may this day bring you, too, kicks & grins a-plenty.
art fein,
cousin tushi,
dusk devils,
freddie and bill,
free events,
hot springs,
kern canyon,
live music,
moo creamery,
spring festival,
things to do in bakersfield
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
now i know why phil's always so tired when he comes to practice from work...
phil hickerson old-school wrestling clip
three things about this clip make me happy:
1. this phil hickerson was a heel from memphis, as was sputnik monroe, integrationist & hero
2. the video setting much resembles that in a scene from my most favorite movie so far this yr, "the wrestler," & w/o the stomach-churning gore
3. the guy dressed as elvis (naturally)
- read below about our upcoming shows, as well as at duskdevils on myspace (i finally got all the dates & times straight)
three things about this clip make me happy:
1. this phil hickerson was a heel from memphis, as was sputnik monroe, integrationist & hero
2. the video setting much resembles that in a scene from my most favorite movie so far this yr, "the wrestler," & w/o the stomach-churning gore
3. the guy dressed as elvis (naturally)
- read below about our upcoming shows, as well as at duskdevils on myspace (i finally got all the dates & times straight)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
pinetop, yancey, & pete, meade lux, ammons reborn
this is my new song about something i have sometimes imagined late @ night while sitting in the music rm. finished it at 3 am, then being a dork (& whacked-out tired), immediately emailed it to some of the world's greatest roots-american music musicians before relistening & realizing one piano solo was off. this is the fixed version, the best i could do! one cool thing i figured out was to split the one analog track into 2, then put a 0.001 lag on one side, which gave it a(n) (i think) neat echo! i hope you like it.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
a near-perfect g-rated day: dulce est desipere in loco
coffee, ezekiel toast w/pb for breakfast. took love wagon up granite rd, b driving, stepson cody shotgun, dogs wrapped around me in back, listening to NPR. purple, yellow, pink, pale blue, white wildflowers everywhere, shimmering, magical, verdant hills, sheep, goats, steer, cows, deer, scrub oak, dramatic sky, clean air. stopped at oakgrove cemetery near glennville, a lonely & lovely spirit place. the thin dark headstone of margaret, "my beloved wife," sighed under a spidery tree. baby benton's tiny headstone sat way off, all alone. i had a vision moment w/sunlight & windchime in tree, & i'm suspicious of such things, but it happened... on the rd again, a red tailed hawk flew down, then floated, brilliant!, right in front of the love wagon before soaring off... roadside chile verde monster burrito near ducor, home along porterville hwy, headed up bluffs to mom & dad's. mom & dad smiled, aunty rita had her hair done & her red lipstick on, smiling, uncle henry was there for the 1st time in wks, frail as a baby but w/white teeth flashing. i don't remember my little uncle being so handsome. his breath is just a whisper, but his spirits high. so much laughing, & of course, tons of food, from enchiladas to (more) chile verde. i took a run down panorama toward union until b & c picked me up, then at home, we watched the gorgeous LA apocalypse movie "miracle mile," god, i so love that film, then cleaned up & headed to speaker mtg where got to hear handsome old burt read "ch 3" in his sonorous tones, which in a flash i realized are positively johnny cash-like; i could die listening to his voice... then my old friend dan spoke & tho i've known him 13 yrs & see him wkly at our home mtg, i've never heard his story; he was so charming, so sincere, so real tonight. i'm so proud & grateful to know people like him.
now it's time to go mix some music tracks, then head to sleep, & tomorrow, no work! tho i love my library kids more & more, a day off's a wonderful thing. :)
now it's time to go mix some music tracks, then head to sleep, & tomorrow, no work! tho i love my library kids more & more, a day off's a wonderful thing. :)
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
he was a boogie-woogie boogy boogy man
-> some say words alone mean little: divorced from sound, emanating from higher brain, they're less "real," spontaneous, more studied, more potentially ironic... i don't care! i lean toward primitivism, too, like only the fortunate do when such a bent is not intrinsic, but to the devil w/what inhibits fun! plus i like my little story here & hope you do, too. :) wrote it mon night, played on it yesterday (but gita's bd song & extreme squirreliness were higher list), recorded it tonight, hope to mix it tomorrow. my stupid right hand is a real bummer... yet i have such piano-playing fun!!! :) :) :) if i have your email address, i likely might spam the "music" to you once done... cheap, fast, sizzling, salty, sweet spam... (insert homer simpson drool)
i was just sitting on a night all too same
outside an owl kept on calling my name
i could tell that it was getting real late
i finally whispered, mr. owl, why frustrate?
i was just sitting watching the shadows creep
the way they move real slow when the hour's deep
the black of night-time parted, i stood and said
who goes there, spirit, and are you alive or dead?
(pete johnson-style piano solo)
he warmed up with the fives, of course in "c"
the shades began to swirl as he bewitched the keys
i saw the specters smile as he went round the horn
pinetop, yancey, and pete, meade lux, ammons reborn
(ammons-lewis style piano)
he rocked and rolled those ivories til dawn was near
the room transformed into a juke joint without peer
8 to the bar, hop, jump, stride, shuffle he did play
the morning shade flew up, he vanished in the day
(closing piano)
i was just sitting on a night all too same
outside an owl kept on calling my name
i could tell that it was getting real late
i finally whispered, mr. owl, why frustrate?
i was just sitting watching the shadows creep
the way they move real slow when the hour's deep
the black of night-time parted, i stood and said
who goes there, spirit, and are you alive or dead?
(pete johnson-style piano solo)
he warmed up with the fives, of course in "c"
the shades began to swirl as he bewitched the keys
i saw the specters smile as he went round the horn
pinetop, yancey, and pete, meade lux, ammons reborn
(ammons-lewis style piano)
he rocked and rolled those ivories til dawn was near
the room transformed into a juke joint without peer
8 to the bar, hop, jump, stride, shuffle he did play
the morning shade flew up, he vanished in the day
(closing piano)
Sunday, March 01, 2009
am trying to post a max fleischer-style youtube library vid to my library school wiki & IT WON'T WORK!!!!!!!!! anyways, whatta wkend. the show, what fun, vince rocked, philbert rocked, we rocked, 3 chord whore rocked, rock rock rock everybody, lotsa friends, cool!! then jani & i went to the coast & her dang vw window broke! so our host bob rode us to a body shop to get it fixed & we bummed around town, jawed & laughed, got the car back, she spoke & did a swell swell job @ one of those seaside mtgs where folks just don't seem too happy in general; maybe it's the beach thing, trying to "find oneself" & just getting more lost in the process, anyhow, our host wasn't that way, a swell & helpful fellow...we got late-night pizza then i hunkered down on the couch, all swaddled up like a papoose in our little b&b & watched directtv til i hit some button & messed it all up, then the next am jani was SICK AS A DOG all of a sudden!! so i went for a run, waiting for her to pull herself out of bed, went down to the beach, poked in the tidepools, said a prayer for uncle henry the sailor, headed back toward land & saw a bunch of deer gentle & beautiful as angels, took the last 1/4 mile straight DOWNHILL, legs flying, boy, was that fun! finally jani was well enough to get in the car (we concluded she might've had a little food poisoning), so we drove back to bako, then it was time for my sponsor's party & what a lovely corny happy event that was, w/food & singing & dancing & SHE gave US presents, tho it was HER birthday!! i sang frankie lymon, ruth brown, shirley & lee, then delphi & i did joan jett, then we kissed everyone goodbye & headed home.
we dusk devils have a bunch of shows coming up, but for now, i'll leave it at that & try to calm down a little to go watch the simpsons. es todo. espero. calmame, por favor... we'll see...
we dusk devils have a bunch of shows coming up, but for now, i'll leave it at that & try to calm down a little to go watch the simpsons. es todo. espero. calmame, por favor... we'll see...
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