marcie, me, donna. so nice to see my dear friend & her sister.
one person asked if i'd put purple in my hair, another, silver!
my gray hair looks much grayer in daylight! |
the busiest part of the past 10 days is over. thursday was shenanigan's, at which i found out i need a new amp; then saturday was doheny, which was over in a whirl! there were tons of people there. 75 feet behind us, an aging major music star was playing, loudly, so i was bent the whole time on trying to hear what we were doing. hi, donna & marcie! yay! they're here! easiest sound check ever, then whoosh! three songs pass... look up, daylight's turned to night. whoosh!! three more songs. i'm singing one. am i on the right notes? can't hear. whoosh! wow! look at james go! listen to anthony! blake & steve, smiling & pounding away. whoosh!! drunk women are climbing the stage, taking their clothes off!! james is insulting them!! whoosh, whoosh, anthony & james are playing & dancing on the table! whoosh, show's over, home. zzzzzzzzzzzz
ps, here is a really cool pic of willie lee "piano red" perryman & one of his line-ups. we listened to piano red all the way to get "stage manager" stan. what a joy! what romping, stomping songs! what beauty!
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