Monday, May 29, 2017

yardworkathon & geargeargear

we have 1/3 acre. in the days before james was here, that was A LOT of yard to do by myself!! with two, it's merely a large job. fire clearance citations start going out on june 1, and we are not gonna get one this time! :)
i just heard a crash downstairs. sometimes this place is like the house in you can't take it with you, in which the bros downstairs would build, invent, & often blow things up. it's a wonderful movie... we played a memorial day party yesterday for the hot rod trio, & aside from playing on wobbly grass, all went well except i never really woke up. yesterday was a super-sleepy day for me from top to bottom; james, too. my "new" amp is already ready for the crapper; it's blown out after only four shows, so i need to amp shop. oh, golden problems: what a wonderful predicalament.  the hot rod trio are a rockabilly act, together now over 20 years; james was in his first band w/HRT frontman buddy dughi, so there's the connection. both men also bear the same tattoo, which at that time james made everyone get or be kicked out of the band. ha! that's one of the funniest james stories, i think... buddy is a machinist by trade, so he helped james assemble my new stand, or stanzilla. i think it will last forever, with its hearty construction. :) some weeks back at shenanigans, the old stand went into critical mass failure mid-song, & no duck tape or bungee was gonna prolong its life. i finished the tune with one hand, holding the swaying stand with the other.
we both have to get new amps, too.
yesterday on the ride home, our pockets filled with gig monies, james got me a new amazon tablet for a good price. i don't know if i mentioned this, but while borrowing mine (w/o permission, i add), he somehow dropped it off the porch & down into a wheelbarrow filled with water (from melted snow), so that was adios to that one. in its place, i've had a lower-end product which hasn't really cut it, tho once again, i just realized, with the death of that last one two days ago (i dropped it; it was crappy; it died), i've again lost about 5-6 song ideas.
he's calling me; he's singing his version of a song i wrote years ago, "mysterious." i saw a list on this computer of songs that look like they're for a new album. yay!
james is many, many things, but prompt, he's not. if the album is getting closer, well, wow!
ok, back to yardwork now.

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