Tuesday, May 27, 2014


a fun and messy day on the mountain...
sho therezh a name for thish type of picshurr... i learned to do these while in karling's band. she was the queen of selfies, every time taking a perfect picture of her own pale, heart-shaped face w/its immaculate bangs. while playing in karling & the atomics & also in cattie ness & the revenge, i picked up some glamour tips -- both band leaders were quite the seductresses, in their respective ways. those bands didn't work out for me, but i was glad still to back those women & have those experiences. heck, long as i get to play american music & don't have to put up w/too much crap, i'd back lots of people, tho i definitely have my preferences in mind!
anyways, that's not what i wanted to write about really; you know how the infernal coconut can play ping-pong w/o asking...
we got some perhaps-disappointing news & so drove 90 miles round-trip to have an ice cream at farrell's, but MAN, what an ice cream!! it had chocolate, vanilla & chocolate malted crunch ice creams, pecans, whipped cream, hot fudge, AND an awesome buttery caramel sauce... we looked at antiques a little bit then motored back & i burned off maybe 1/2 spoon of ice cream doing plyometrics before watched an amusing & blasphemous film called rapture-palooza while james sacked some zzz's... after my matins this morn, i went crazy writing something up & then we spent the day doing spontaneous & fun stuff, ending up lolling around drinking iced tea & laughing w/shame over "trailer park boys"... may your weekend have been a good one.

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