lots of meetings focus on the topic of "gratitude," & my 1st thought's always how the root is gratis -- free. my new sponsor has told me to keep a gratitude journal... it's helping! if your mood runs to the sour & you're not too hip to be cornball, you might try one! each day, it's not much of a stretch to think of 10 little things to be happy about... beyond being sober, of able body, w/basic needs met, & loving family/friends, here are my 10 right-now gratitudes:
1. clifton chenier "bayou blues," one of the 5 greatest LPs ever made!
2. flamingos "lovers never say goodbye" w/its dark, diablos-like romance & spike jones kiss moment;
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serious times w/sister. |
4. piyo videos on youtube (develop explosive power! even if you're a vieja like me!)
5. beautiful evening walk/hike through surrounding hills fragrant of forest w/blue light magical & dreaming of pearl & jackie (tho i'm not sure if they are children or canine children at this point)...
5. made jambalaya for james & it didn't suck! in fact, he ate a bunch of it! it was tasty! when i try, i CAN cook! so touched to think of our vow & understanding & time together so dear.
6. praying & chanting for all, from those i love to those whom i have thought pond scum -- the latter are just people, too! duh! such freedom, not to worry what others are up to... do your thang, popular people!! when i see them or similars again, my job is to be a positive force, grateful for each experience.
7. everyone's our teacher -- some how to act, some how not to act. must remember the 14th dalai lama when acting/reacting.
8. i no longer wish a fatwa on people who hurt my most beloved, whether intentionally or not. karma might take care of all, or it won't -- it don't matter! his higher power will provide for him, as it will us each & all, if we heed it... and anyways, as mama has said, "living well is the best revenge."
9. wrote 3 new songs & the creative urge is still there & thank you for that, spirit from whence it comes...
10. today is maddy's graduation, & i'm excited for her present & future as well as can't wait to see family & loved ones... happy weekend!
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