today, 1st day after the honeymoon, we have played music, rested, watched a few movies angie & i weren't allowed to as children (convoy, the omen), i wrote a song in the shower, & james got us all pizza. tomorrow will be productive! tomorrow! not today... today is weary, tho cozy & well-fed!... the jameses are downstairs happily, animatedly talking. am too tired to move, nearly! we clocked 663 miles to home yesterday.... our trip of a lifetime was a total success! i should write about operation honeymoon, but just don't wanna... content knowing that he knows & i know. WOW! yes, today, day one post-operation honeymoon, we are solid, we are healthy, we are good, we are happy, we are unified. again, wow! ... think i'll write more later, cause if i don't, i tend to forget my life (now our life). but it'll have to be later. for now, some pix, w/thousands more to come tomorrow, if you are our facebook friend... james's music schedule for this month is hoppin! my own could not be called moribund by any definition! check out www.whiteboyjames.com for details, or fb pages for dusk devils or whiteboy james & the blues express... here's the flyer i made for saturday night, dave & jackie's anniversary party:

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