last night's run was difficult (over 100 again), but great. the feeling after running is absolutely exhilarating. today is band practice, & i can't wait. i'm hoping to have myself a bd party - invite friends, family, musicians who like the stuff i like; we'll see. meanwhile, have been housesitting for my folks & am taking the dog boys back to their dad. it's been nice to hang out w/them. they live in the moment & love unconditionally. as angie sister says, "dogs are proof of god." booyah.
-p.s. - this gal is awesome: www.youtube.com/user/ivoryticklermama
People spend a lot of money of sports apparel. Some of it worthwhile and some of it not so worthwhile.
Cyclists are terrible in that regard. You can spend $75 for a high-tech cycling jersey or you spend $15 for a microfiber t-shirt from L.L. Bean. Both work about the same.
I'd perfer clothing that is comfortable and cheap. That leaves more money for travel and fun. I am thinking that you might feel the same.
Capitano Tedeschi
I think it's a little bit nuts and unhealthy to be running in temps this hot, especially with the air quality we have. Be careful.
Nice you had some dog "face" time. :)
I'm there with you on the running and the feelings of when the run is over! I just wish I could still run, oh well I will live vicariously through your shares Jenny!! I love the unconditional love from my doggies, it is wonderful to know that I dont have to be anything but myself.
love ya
can you believe i am listed in 2nd place for this particular race? amazing. :)
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