it's been so dang long since i wrote, i'm just gonna list:
1. we pulled up to the lamplighter in visalia & saw in the winders posters for our show! we swung open the doors & the kid at the desk said, "jenny! we finally meet!" everyone was smiling. we felt like royalty!
2. everybody got his or her own room!! in mine, two beds, sliding glass doors, microwave, fridge, wifi...
3. philbert & i walked around downtown visalia & ate at a diner. the waiter comped us french toast!
4. phil offered to unload all my stuff, so i had time to foofoo up w/o worrying. this was a big deal!
5. i descended the hotel stairs in the cool spring eve feeling like touch of evil - teetered over to the gig & there was brian, covered w/road dirt & grinning. he'd ridden over on his motorcycle from the run he was at!
6. phil & i winged some songs w/jd from motel drive during sound check... stomping fun!
7. john bruce, all draped out, introduced us & we crashed on in. everything i said, the audience laughed! i love that. brett got our sound dialed in quickly... i could really hear myself, which means i was able to sing just fine. as sick as i've been, my voice & energy cooperated surprisingly well!
8. there was so much energy in the rm! during whole lotta shakin, i swear i could hear people roaring & cheering while we played. it was wild!!!
9. after, all these young folks were heaping on the compliments. we walked around & jawed w/lots of folks, including becky's new drummer & his girlfriend: what nice people!
10. motel drive was fun! my band watched from outside, hanging on the wall like the little rascals.
12. we went joyriding w/mark & geanna for a while... came back as becky was going on. those guys are tight & high-energy these days!! fun to watch...
13. back at the rm, i ate the comp french toast & surfed the net. phil told me the next a.m. he buzzed off the pillow all night, didn't sleep a wink! we had a quick bite & he got me back to the oildale mtg by 930 am. cool!
14. the next saturday me & phil rode out to famoso & waited in the dust at the coolest abandoned diner... agreed it'd be a swell place to snap band pix! phil was decked out - spectator creepers, vintage pineapple shirt, black slacks... that guy can really style!
15. the others showed & we caravanned out to relay for life at the high school. people were sooo nice, but the sound from the stage was nonexistent! as sick as i've been, i thought w/doom, if the 2nd gig's like this, i'm gonna be dead. i was singing really hard, tho i knew i shouldn't, just to feel my own voice & gauge my pitch! w/no monitors, the others had to watch my lips the whole show to know where we were..
16. highlights: a southwestern granny w/beautiful gray hair & red lipstick/shirt bopped away gently in her seat, on her face such a look of happiness & longing, my heart melted; a chubby, darling, bespectacled little girl just stood there, head cocked like a puppy, smiling up at me...
17. they whipped us up delicious carne asada tacos & sodas for the rd. yum!!!! i think i ended up eating most of them...
18. we sped back to bako to the johnny burnette trio & started hauling stuff down the sandrini's stairs for the pub crawl gig.
19. where's all the people? i asked mark, & he replied, oh, they'll be here. boom! suddenly the rm was PACKED elbow to elbow w/all these young people in blue shirts - all roaring drunk!!! the underground cave-rm was a cacaphony of screaming, whooping, yelling, guzzling, happy little borrachos!
20. we began & everyone started jumping up & down like mad, writhing, wriggling, pointing, howling, jumping on the stage... kids were even dancing on the tables!! at the end of each song, they would scream at the tops of their lungs & snap a million pictures, wild w/alcohol happiness... who'd've thought it'd've been so wonderful to play for a packed rm of young inebriates? they looked so happy... i wish i could get some of those pix...
21. the promoter slapped the dough on mark's amp & charged out like the pied piper, the screaming blue shirts in tow... just like that, everyone was gone to the next pub & we suddenly could hear how ear-bleedingly loud we were! the bodies had been soaking up the noise all along...
22. we packed up & took phil's friends to jake's tex-mex. they ate like birds & we had jake's cake, which is so tasty, it seems indecent.
23. i don't guess there's been any more gigs since last wkend... we have had to turn down a few, in fact, due to phil's boy scout commitments! i say that's a great reason to miss out, tho... but stay tuned for tomorrow night: we open for candye kane at the doubletree... whoo-hoo! come on down! (read below)
hello. i'm jenny page. long ago, i had a kick#ss band in bakersfield cali, the dusk devils. you still can find dd music online. i'm from a wonderful family & now live in the mountains of cali with my dear spouse, whiteboy james, aka james or other names i won't list here. we're as happy as two nuts can be. life's an adventure, a chore, a beauty, a choice, a turn -- short, but as good as you make it (in this culture, anyways), so let's not forget that!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
CandyeKane-DuskDevils Fri in Bakersfield!!!
here's the flyer. come early cause we might start at 6:45!! don't miss candye!! don't miss us!!! they're doing a deal where you can get a ticket OR a meal, so call world records to get the scoop.
... the photos below of the lamplighter show ALMOST make that writing muse stir (she's been hiding under a rock, i think)... boy, that was sure a fun event!! the blurriness & tone on the smaller one remind me for some reason of a j.s. sargent exhibit i once saw in d.c.... i think pt of the block is at all recent shows from dex romweber to lamplighter to last wkend's two-fer, people've taken pix & videos & said they'd send 'em, but i haven't seen a one!! so it all feels kinda inconclusive (like seeing a photo of oneself brings wholeness? but don't they steal the soul?) ok, well maybe after friday's show, the muse'll blink alive & jump. we'll just see... 

Friday, April 24, 2009
(sound of panting, sound of jogging, sound of too too busy, sound of exhalted king lux huffing a microphone...)
today i got the best possible health news from my biopsy results & then zoom!!! everything took off like a rocket!! anyways, i guess i'll catch up w/last wk later - no time now! a friend said now should be a time of celebration of good health, but i just gotta get this done & get some shut-eye!!
tomorrow: 5k at csub, registration 7-8, race (shudder) 8 am, $10 plus can of food, pancake breakfast after, whoopee!! details here or here: or
the rest i'll paste from myspace. please come out & see us, if'n you can & wanna!!! :) :)
-> 4/25/2009 2:30 PM - Dusk Devils, Relay for Life Wasco/Shafter
Wasco High Football Field Wasco, California 93280
Cost:? Description:Wasco High School Football Field (corner of Palm Ave. & 5th Street). We’ll do a mini set at 2:30 pm. You can catch us later that day in Bakersfield, 4 pm (read up).
-> 4/25/2009 4:00 PM - Dusk Devils at Sandrini’s, Downtown Pub Crawl
20th/Eye Streets Bakersfield, California 93301
Cost:? Description:We’re on as part of the Downtown Pub Crawl... Come on down, all the way down, to the basement pub called Sandrini’s, and whup it up with us. :)
today i got the best possible health news from my biopsy results & then zoom!!! everything took off like a rocket!! anyways, i guess i'll catch up w/last wk later - no time now! a friend said now should be a time of celebration of good health, but i just gotta get this done & get some shut-eye!!
tomorrow: 5k at csub, registration 7-8, race (shudder) 8 am, $10 plus can of food, pancake breakfast after, whoopee!! details here or here: or
the rest i'll paste from myspace. please come out & see us, if'n you can & wanna!!! :) :)
-> 4/25/2009 2:30 PM - Dusk Devils, Relay for Life Wasco/Shafter
Wasco High Football Field Wasco, California 93280
Cost:? Description:Wasco High School Football Field (corner of Palm Ave. & 5th Street). We’ll do a mini set at 2:30 pm. You can catch us later that day in Bakersfield, 4 pm (read up).
-> 4/25/2009 4:00 PM - Dusk Devils at Sandrini’s, Downtown Pub Crawl
20th/Eye Streets Bakersfield, California 93301
Cost:? Description:We’re on as part of the Downtown Pub Crawl... Come on down, all the way down, to the basement pub called Sandrini’s, and whup it up with us. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
tomorrow is the Big Day
i go to the rx for maybe the most important medical announcement for me ever. maybe. but heck - who knows - a person can only get OLDER!!!! anyways, throw some salt over your shoulder for me. since last monday, i've completely changed my diet, am mostly off caffeine (gott in himmel!!!), & am taking herbal remedies. only the great pumpkin, or blessed virgin, or fate, or the winds, or the doorknob know what's next.
haven't even written about the wonderful wkend that was last. or the wonderful person i spoke w/today, the latest angel in my life... so after tomorrow, i will write more. or go off the deep end!!!!! maybe this is goodbye!!!
we play saturday at wasco relay for life, 3 pm, location here:
ohhhhh, rockin' in the graveyard
ohhhhh, rockin' in the cemetery... (whistling in the dark; i ain't scared; tweet tweet tweet)
haven't even written about the wonderful wkend that was last. or the wonderful person i spoke w/today, the latest angel in my life... so after tomorrow, i will write more. or go off the deep end!!!!! maybe this is goodbye!!!
we play saturday at wasco relay for life, 3 pm, location here:
ohhhhh, rockin' in the graveyard
ohhhhh, rockin' in the cemetery... (whistling in the dark; i ain't scared; tweet tweet tweet)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
the happy easter wk in pared-down prose
->I-5. buds: blue, gold, white, violaceous. paleta, rompope with raisin. santa cruz: pure sky, boardwalk, rides, shrieks, thrills, sweet fried smells, mechanical laughing sal. bathhouse soak, meeting, maralise, woody, tostada, sleep. san francisco: rainy sutro baths, cliff house, bratwurst & sweet mustard at tommy’s joint, bargain hotel on lombard, coit tower, exhaustion, tv, nap, tv, walk the castro, pecan & ginger cookies, sleep. run in cow hollow/marina, best breakfast on lombard at home plate w/scones, homemade jam, fresh eggs; mission, valencia, haight st, ok crepe, outer richmond, twin peaks, nap, hiking yoga!
->deserving its own graph: met very tall & super-fit owner eric kipp at ferry bldg & we took off, hoofing it from the embarcadero to coit tower via steep, verdant staircases w/yoga stops in between; the only student for this particular class, i felt like i had a personal trainer for 75 mins! it was exhilarating, oxygenating, thrilling, allowing a person to see unusual, beautiful pts of the city, amazing vistas, to hike like mad, to learn better hiking & yoga form. highly recommended:
->brian wasn’t yet ready to pick me up, so hiked wearily, legs trembling, back UP to north beach, wandered to stay warm, got a slice of the most delicious hawaiian pizza, stood at a corner near cafĂ© trieste bleary w/fatigue, just gazing at the city & munching pizza, lovely; crashed & slept like a happy corpse.
-> rain, rain, great breakfast at joe’s java house at pier 30 (swing music; swell, nostalgic open setting; free parking; million$ vw of bay; cheap grub), frustrated in berkeley trying to find amtrak, hostel; b goes home to bako. am a bit sad, but he wants to get back to the barn, as b does, & we have had a very happy trip already.
-> walking, walking, walking university ave, i admire a thrift shop proprietor’s purple eye makeup & she replies, “ooh, you, too, honey. You got that SWOOP goin’ on!” walk to shattuck, then telegraph, find amoeba where will listen to music, walk past people’s pk where someone strolls by loudly selling acid, nearly clichĂ© in that setting. get $1 milk tea, pink gloves against the cold; at hostel, make bed using all the sheets & comforters (private rm), crash. soon enough, time to walk to amoeba for the music show...
-> dex romweber duo at amoeba: amazing!!! am so happy to be there!!! dex looks little like his professional photos, short/stocky & all head, a born performer that way, w/suffering trout maw & thick swoop of graying hair, compelling, mournful, dignified, wild, shredding away at an acoustic guitar like a love-mad elmer gantry, a house on fire, these beautiful intense songs about romance gone wrong & longing & death. he is “roy orbison mixed with jello biafra,” switching from rich, passionate baritone to rockabilly animal snarl in the same breath, his sister sara playing a cajon drum box, & w/just that & his romantic vox & wild guitar, they swell up that room: you can feel it on the back of your neck, like love or murder or ocean or soaring.
-> immediately after, sara jumps up from the cajon & looks right at me: “you wanna see it?” she asks, meaning the drum box. “YES!!!” i enthuse, & jump on the stage. this cajon is made in sta barbara & basically is an amplified wooden box containing metal strings so that when you hit the face, the strings vibrate, creating a snare sound. a center o-hole, when struck (w/hand or reversed foot pedal) activates the kick. sara is so cute (looks exactly like her photos, a skinny tomboy rockstar chick) & way nicer & more down-to-earth than she needs to be. i turn & dex is waiting there, & when i look into his sea-hued eyes, he is far away; they are the wild distant eyes of the passionate music-mad man, steeped in it; he partially is not there anymore because the show is over. his speaking voice is so-lovely southern gentlemanly; they are both kind & sign my cd & i’m high as a kite for quite a while, riding the music roller coaster.
-> dinner at angeline’s new orleans cafĂ©: salad w/walnuts, cup of gumbo, chicory coffee. huge nighttime fun walking the berkeley streets & visiting ½ price books, so romantic, so alive… the hostel, on frat row, is noisy all night long w/young partiers.
-> get all clean & showered up, pack up, lovely breakfast at crepes-a-go-go, walk walk walk to kill time, bart to richmond because was told that would be all-train, no bus, get on amtrak, THEY WON’T TAKE MY TEXAS VOUCHER!!! pay for ticket ($45), settle in for long long long ride home.
-> pouring rain in bako! friendly smiling b, cody, doggies pick me up; ice milk at dewar’s; get in pajamas & crash while they watch bolt. man, what a great trip it was, & i’m so glad to be home, warm & safe.
-> next a.m. is a blur. somehow i dress for the show, make set lists. mark & phil arrive & do those guys look handsome! smiling, joking, dressed up, great to see them. we caravan to kern river belle/inn, right over the oildale bridge, unloading 400000 lbs of gear, rick arrives w/his gal patty. the dark, tiny place has food & friendly waitress/cook; the crowd is all-biker. we start to play & a tall man comes up w/a ladder to switch on the stage lights. “i paid for em, we’re gonna use em,” he laughs. it’s bob, owner of the joint these past 6 mos. bob sets the tone; it’s a wonderful gig! the burly bikers come & go all afternoon & many stay, drinking, cheering, laughing: the vibe is so positive & happy & upbeat! b & c drop in for one set, along w/olen; it’s great to see them all! one fellow in leathers, tim, stays all day. he is very much a gentleman in expressing his enthusiasms for the band & i; what a nice thing! 3 chord whore darcy’s mom penny shows up; she loves prof longhair! i love penny! we talk a little music. tammy & byron show up, visiting from the bay area!! tammy requests some tunes… they are the cutest hippie-punk couple i know, great folks! bob & jackie want to hire us back for a full wkend. we make a bunch of friends, the kind you’d definitely want to watch your back if things got hairy. patty & others say we're “f***king awesome.”
-> in no way could some fancy hollywood show’ve been as cool unless the people were that warm & friendly & enthusiastic. the audience made all the difference. wow!
-> consider supporting the kern river inn (address below on flyer) & venues like it, the ones that support live local bands & actually pay them… am so sick of these places that only support tv sets blaring sports & karaoke djs & nothing for the bands. i mean, how does a dj’s effort & ability compare to a musician’s? it just flat does not. paying a dj more than a live musician, who practices, works, toils, labors, struggles to create & produce & manifest soul for others’ enjoyment & even transcendence – well, it’s immoral!!!!! yes, clubs/bars are businesses, which only recalls for me the slogan painted at the people’s park: “down with corporate capitalism.”
-> we loaded out, caravanned to various houses to drop off gear, dined at dave's bbq ... too worn out to eat, i just enjoyed the cajun/rockin' blues soundtrack that makes me love going to that place. home, we watched ram mass: fierce grace & then i collapsed into sleep. happy easter, felice pascua to anyone still reading.
->deserving its own graph: met very tall & super-fit owner eric kipp at ferry bldg & we took off, hoofing it from the embarcadero to coit tower via steep, verdant staircases w/yoga stops in between; the only student for this particular class, i felt like i had a personal trainer for 75 mins! it was exhilarating, oxygenating, thrilling, allowing a person to see unusual, beautiful pts of the city, amazing vistas, to hike like mad, to learn better hiking & yoga form. highly recommended:
->brian wasn’t yet ready to pick me up, so hiked wearily, legs trembling, back UP to north beach, wandered to stay warm, got a slice of the most delicious hawaiian pizza, stood at a corner near cafĂ© trieste bleary w/fatigue, just gazing at the city & munching pizza, lovely; crashed & slept like a happy corpse.
-> rain, rain, great breakfast at joe’s java house at pier 30 (swing music; swell, nostalgic open setting; free parking; million$ vw of bay; cheap grub), frustrated in berkeley trying to find amtrak, hostel; b goes home to bako. am a bit sad, but he wants to get back to the barn, as b does, & we have had a very happy trip already.
-> walking, walking, walking university ave, i admire a thrift shop proprietor’s purple eye makeup & she replies, “ooh, you, too, honey. You got that SWOOP goin’ on!” walk to shattuck, then telegraph, find amoeba where will listen to music, walk past people’s pk where someone strolls by loudly selling acid, nearly clichĂ© in that setting. get $1 milk tea, pink gloves against the cold; at hostel, make bed using all the sheets & comforters (private rm), crash. soon enough, time to walk to amoeba for the music show...
-> dex romweber duo at amoeba: amazing!!! am so happy to be there!!! dex looks little like his professional photos, short/stocky & all head, a born performer that way, w/suffering trout maw & thick swoop of graying hair, compelling, mournful, dignified, wild, shredding away at an acoustic guitar like a love-mad elmer gantry, a house on fire, these beautiful intense songs about romance gone wrong & longing & death. he is “roy orbison mixed with jello biafra,” switching from rich, passionate baritone to rockabilly animal snarl in the same breath, his sister sara playing a cajon drum box, & w/just that & his romantic vox & wild guitar, they swell up that room: you can feel it on the back of your neck, like love or murder or ocean or soaring.
-> immediately after, sara jumps up from the cajon & looks right at me: “you wanna see it?” she asks, meaning the drum box. “YES!!!” i enthuse, & jump on the stage. this cajon is made in sta barbara & basically is an amplified wooden box containing metal strings so that when you hit the face, the strings vibrate, creating a snare sound. a center o-hole, when struck (w/hand or reversed foot pedal) activates the kick. sara is so cute (looks exactly like her photos, a skinny tomboy rockstar chick) & way nicer & more down-to-earth than she needs to be. i turn & dex is waiting there, & when i look into his sea-hued eyes, he is far away; they are the wild distant eyes of the passionate music-mad man, steeped in it; he partially is not there anymore because the show is over. his speaking voice is so-lovely southern gentlemanly; they are both kind & sign my cd & i’m high as a kite for quite a while, riding the music roller coaster.
-> dinner at angeline’s new orleans cafĂ©: salad w/walnuts, cup of gumbo, chicory coffee. huge nighttime fun walking the berkeley streets & visiting ½ price books, so romantic, so alive… the hostel, on frat row, is noisy all night long w/young partiers.
-> get all clean & showered up, pack up, lovely breakfast at crepes-a-go-go, walk walk walk to kill time, bart to richmond because was told that would be all-train, no bus, get on amtrak, THEY WON’T TAKE MY TEXAS VOUCHER!!! pay for ticket ($45), settle in for long long long ride home.
-> pouring rain in bako! friendly smiling b, cody, doggies pick me up; ice milk at dewar’s; get in pajamas & crash while they watch bolt. man, what a great trip it was, & i’m so glad to be home, warm & safe.
-> next a.m. is a blur. somehow i dress for the show, make set lists. mark & phil arrive & do those guys look handsome! smiling, joking, dressed up, great to see them. we caravan to kern river belle/inn, right over the oildale bridge, unloading 400000 lbs of gear, rick arrives w/his gal patty. the dark, tiny place has food & friendly waitress/cook; the crowd is all-biker. we start to play & a tall man comes up w/a ladder to switch on the stage lights. “i paid for em, we’re gonna use em,” he laughs. it’s bob, owner of the joint these past 6 mos. bob sets the tone; it’s a wonderful gig! the burly bikers come & go all afternoon & many stay, drinking, cheering, laughing: the vibe is so positive & happy & upbeat! b & c drop in for one set, along w/olen; it’s great to see them all! one fellow in leathers, tim, stays all day. he is very much a gentleman in expressing his enthusiasms for the band & i; what a nice thing! 3 chord whore darcy’s mom penny shows up; she loves prof longhair! i love penny! we talk a little music. tammy & byron show up, visiting from the bay area!! tammy requests some tunes… they are the cutest hippie-punk couple i know, great folks! bob & jackie want to hire us back for a full wkend. we make a bunch of friends, the kind you’d definitely want to watch your back if things got hairy. patty & others say we're “f***king awesome.”
-> in no way could some fancy hollywood show’ve been as cool unless the people were that warm & friendly & enthusiastic. the audience made all the difference. wow!
-> consider supporting the kern river inn (address below on flyer) & venues like it, the ones that support live local bands & actually pay them… am so sick of these places that only support tv sets blaring sports & karaoke djs & nothing for the bands. i mean, how does a dj’s effort & ability compare to a musician’s? it just flat does not. paying a dj more than a live musician, who practices, works, toils, labors, struggles to create & produce & manifest soul for others’ enjoyment & even transcendence – well, it’s immoral!!!!! yes, clubs/bars are businesses, which only recalls for me the slogan painted at the people’s park: “down with corporate capitalism.”
-> we loaded out, caravanned to various houses to drop off gear, dined at dave's bbq ... too worn out to eat, i just enjoyed the cajun/rockin' blues soundtrack that makes me love going to that place. home, we watched ram mass: fierce grace & then i collapsed into sleep. happy easter, felice pascua to anyone still reading.
berkeley hostel,
cajon drum,
dave's bbq,
dex romweber,
dusk devils,
kern river belle,
kern river inn,
live music,
musical icon,
road trips,
san francisco
Sunday, April 05, 2009
dusk devils sat april 11
Saturday, April 04, 2009
well, i've had my fun, but i ain't gonna get well no more
(little walter)... he meant dope. i, unfortunately, mean my physical health. i hate the little voice in the back of my head that whispers to me that the little walter method WOULD work & i WOULD feel better... stupid little voice.
resorted to a z-pack today. hope that'll be the ticket. that & aroma spa from dr bonnet (661-325-NECK) & some practice time w/the hilarious monsieur phil & maybe just a few more good things on this anniversary day & i can finally start getting healthy again... *sigh.*
resorted to a z-pack today. hope that'll be the ticket. that & aroma spa from dr bonnet (661-325-NECK) & some practice time w/the hilarious monsieur phil & maybe just a few more good things on this anniversary day & i can finally start getting healthy again... *sigh.*
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
dusk devils shwag

apparently, bassman mark has been busy... click here to see: (my favorites are the ornament & dog stuff) :) thank you, mark!
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