here's the latest page family portrait:

sister angie then said, "jenny's the only one who wasn't making a face. everyone smile right." that resulted in this:

(she didn't know they don't give a sh*t about smiling right in pix.) :D here's another of us w/dear little angel & cuñada & cuñado:

... still hoping for pic from sister-in-law sherri, w/whom i had the nicest visit today: so delightful hearing her tell of her 1st "magical" running experience & seeing the happiness on her face!... this eve i didn't go to james's gig. actually was sposed to start opening for him this wk, but the barometric head near-exploded w/yesterday's rainy/windy weather & i was down, down for the count, unable to practice, so instead have spent the eve w/jamesjr. it turned into, for me, the best eve that could've happened! we got to have quite a chat! i do hope he'll find his passion & love for life quicker than his dad & i did... this brings us to the last page family photo, so sweet. :)

now a few from my side of la famiglia. i love these cause my folks, everyone, really, look so happy:

... well, i hear jjr clacking away on HW still (waited til 11 pm to do 7 chs of twain & analysis of state of union address! kids!), so time to get in bed & wait for the hunter home from the hills, the sailor home from the sea, the bluesman home from the stage. so happy to have two good books right now: "a natural history of the senses" as well as "the moral animal"... good day to you, sir! ma'am! good day!
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