here's a pic art fein took at the elvis show of me w/the amazing ruby friedman... ruby told me she comes from a show biz family & that her mom was on broadway. what a different upbringing than what i had!... it was a good, friendly, solid night, as i described below... lately's been a blur: bakersfield, fresno, LA, back home, repeat. thurs was practice w/karling & crew; i marvel at how lovely she always looks & acts, no matter how many "duh'ee mah-tee'nies" she's had: i would be a puking, blacked-out wreck, which is in pt why, today, i don't go there... had a fine drive up to fresno, a date shake from bravo farms in traver, got a little rm off the 99 bc i'd been feeling so poorly from the bad, bad valley air & didn't know how well i'd be able to hang w/the friendly cattie party crew; also was just a bit too puny to change into show clothes at a travel center, which had been my original plan hitting the road. our show opening for big sandy & the fly rite trio was a solid, blasting kind of contribution. i popped two energy gums right before downbeat & was bouncing off the walls, but felt i hit all my parts pretty solidly, which always is gratifying. "yeah, we gotta little psychobilly thing going on," becky said when i told her how loud my side of the stage had been... was sposed to hit the trout's blues jam w/bsp & craig garrison that next day, but my head was really killing me from the smog, which rain & wind just seemed to kick up, so that was a no-go. (home, my headache's now gone. stupid valley, so beautiful on my drive home yesterday, that south edge of the valley before the grapevine, all expansive gentle farmland & heartbreaking sky, yes, the valley's like a bad relationship you just can't be rid of, love in a sick way, yet can't stand.) later hit a truly-$1-type flick in which young up-&-comers in moscow battled aliens who turns out were mining earth & its people for food... so cool to see humans-vs-evil ufos blast it out in red square, in the GUM dept store (which that next day i read about in an architecture book from the library). i've always been intrigued by russian culture (& its handsome men), so i definitely got my dollar's worth. tho i know it's a "sign of the times," am grateful bakersfield's got TWO discount movie theatres: the starplex on california avenue & regency at east hills (my friend & i love going to the latter, a dilapidated, empty, bombed-out mall, feeling like denizens from an end-of-the-world or george romero flick, enjoying the nickel arcade & occasional slice of pizza)... well, this is enough for now. today's brought lots of rain & some slushy snow up here at my house. the dogs have given up trying to burrow thru my floors to capture the varmints living under the house & are snoozing loudly. it's a good day, will be a good wk, & this wkend will be show w/karling opening for big sandy down in OC, next wk more practices & auditioning of young rockabilly doghouse bassist as well as powwow w/becky & the girls to further plan our april-in-paris music tour & visit... hope you who read this have a swell week. this has been my blablabla for today.
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