-> immersion in real rocknroll got the pretty little demon hopping, so this morn (president's day) i recorded a song from a month back, one i think is really fun, my version of the coasters. would like to come up w/some kind of tribute to the cramps, but such things can't be forced, plus how to envision a cramps-like song w/o envisioning the inimitable lux howling it?? i guess it'll happen if it's meant to.
-> here's a link to that recording, "evil eye": jenny & the phantoms music: hope you enjoy it.
-> lastly, thru it all, b & i went out this dusk under the most cold & gorgeous watercolored storm skies to the bbq joint & had the greatest dinner... here are the eateries in bako i think have the best piped music: 1) mama roomba's; 2) dave's; 3) prime cut (tho the other night they followed beau jocque w/the eagles & it was truly a wtfuuuuudge moment...)

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