here is the article: father damien to be sainted ... if anyone deserves to be a saint, tis damien, who truly was the hands & feet of god.
if you wanna learn more, go to the link @ right or get the movie "molokai'i." i drew a cartoon about my experiences going to kalaupapa; it is here: glumglum cartoon... if you're easily offended, don't read the other cartoons... the race: stormin' ed sailed by & finished in 1:40 or so. kent, who said he's "an old clydesdale," slowly & steadily ran THE ENTIRE WAY. i was feeling pretty strong, tho of course got dopey after about 8 miles, but had a plan that at mile 12, i'd speed up & try to come in faster. the instant i did, I GOT CALF CRAMPS BAD!!! it was just awful, since i wasn't even really tired, but i had to slow way down... shoulda had a banana w/breakfast, not just pb&j!! soon, the clydesdale came clopping by, smiling encouragingly. at the finish line, there was beautiful julie p & her girls, cheering me on, & i was nearly hobbling! every time i'd pick my legs to go a bit faster, AAAAH! but all in all, it was a great event. i am so grateful for this life & the friends i get to have now, each so unique & precious; animus facit nobilem...
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