Sunday, July 23, 2023

mama, tex-ass, the complications of family, bad cops, ¨the planet isn´t going anywhere... WE ARE!!¨ (geo. carlin)

mama said she doesn´t want anything for her birthday so i got her a groupon for 2 spa treatments. i phoned dad to tell him to ask her to check her email for the surprise. he said, maybe i will go with her! so that will be double-plus-happy-making for mama. :)

cousin mary frances, a devoutly progressive roman catholic, is going to texas & i might join her. she needs another lefty to be there in support. plus i love mary fafa and i love my tx family... & i love texas bc it is so beautiful. i love the forever skies and the land for days and the sighing seas of oaks and the endless roads... even the 10-gallon hats & blue jeans & boots & the twangy music & that drawwwl... but the trumpism, the redneckism, the hate, that makes it tough each time. i love my cousin so much, tho she always has baffled the bejeezus out of me... tho not really, bc sheś always been a bigmouth outsized personality, the star of the show whatever room she enters, ¨rita junior,¨ dad sez, tho aunty rita would die twice if she knew what rednecks her two children have become. my cousin jumped on me last time i was there, yelling: just cause i didn´t go to COLLEGE doesn´t mean i DON´T KNOW ANYTHING!!!! and blasted me for some minutes before losing steam.

i had asked her where she got her information. whoops, my mistake. how dare i ask her where her outlandishly xenophobic & kneejerkedy-law-enforcement-loving ideas came from. (i think she was defending the latest bad cop murderer of a black civilian. my cousin, like her dear mother did, loves & adores jeans-&-boots-wearing, gun carrying, drinking & chawing Men; she worships at the feet of the Toxic Male, but she´d never call them that & would call me weird for doing so. as for me, my paternal grandparents were law enforcement. my dear step-grandpa, i have had to admit now that i´m a grownup, was a big hunk of a man, so good to all of us, but in his line of work a life-taker & a neck-breaker. james says in mp school & the military in general they get waaaay more training than those who go to cop school. he sez that´s why there are so many of them who are dangerous idiots. even my cousin´s brother was involved in so many shootings, he got HONORABLY RETIRED from the cop shop... with pension!!!! so just knowledge of my family causes me to know james is right... not my cousin. we need law enforcement. but THEY NEED MORE TRAINING!!! my cousin´s brother, with whom i grew up, was/is a small, iron-obsessed [weapons, weights, motorcycles], fearful boy who was abused in childhood... shouldn´t such a person, who might be looking to get even with Life, get more training than a soldier does before he is armed & sent out onto the streets?? so why am i a skeptic about all of this & my cousin believes that cops are de facto right, that guns are de facto the way, w/o compunction? she is bright, but she seems to consider the examined life to be the mark of a snob or a weirdo, i.e., me. :( and maybe until college becomes affordable for all, it will continue to be seen as the realm of the elite, instead of a place for those who want to build their brains & souls & help the world... isn´t that why ppl go to college?? oops. maybe not.)

more: my cousin is brown as a peanut & was named after a ¨little [black] doll¨ her parents had when she was tiny. it had umber skin and black curly hair, like she does. my cousin does not look white. but she has aligned herself w the philosophies of ppl who 100 yrs ago would have hanged her, but more likely would have had her as a servant.

there are many ppl in just our own family that are like this: they revile ppl who question the 2nd amendment, law enforcement, & who´ve gone to college. but if college now reeks of elitism & exclusivity, what about their criminal wanna-be-mob-boss millionaire hero, the orange stain???? apparently the questionings i mentioned indicate disloyalty to the united states of america... yet ignorance of oneś own government, misogyny, hypocrisy, unchecked privilege, & bullying are just fine!!!

dad and i were emailing this morning about the whole confusion, & what he sent was worth repeating, i thought:

subject: interracial rednecks


i was thinking about what i said re sitting under confederate flags with shotguns and realized all those family ppl have interracial relationships!! so what IS their objection to liberality??? why is there such hatred toward intellectualism and inclusion????

i still tend to think itś racism somehow.

the white men control the brown ppl (spouses, significant others, children). the brown woman obtains power by being with (controlling) the white man. is this colonialism 2.0, contained within oneś own household?

i just don´t get it!!!

dad´s reply:

It is fearful, tribal behavior and not entirely limited to the uneducated.

The naked apes survived because they were fearful. Watch your cat.

the heat lately has been uncomfortable here, but quite worrying elsewhere: 130 in death valley. 130 in las vegas!! 123!! james sez, ¨thatś as hot as it was in saudi arabia.¨ (and then i think, he was in saudi arabia? then out leaks another snippet of james´s life. i think i know more now about his life than my own! yet i know hardly nothing about him, i think at times. the experiences heś had are never truly knowable to a citizen like me.)

¨the planet is fine...the people are f**ked!!!!¨ (george carlin)

now iḿ just blablablaing along bc iḿ in front of a fan and it is 80 degrees in this house and i am so comfy in my hot pink muumuu (ha! how the pinup manque has sunk! a muumuu! but what a wonderful sink it enables!!!) yes, dear gawd, my human suit is so happy in this house & temp, but to bakersfield i now must go w/the dog children, for dear mama´s bd. so that means extreme heat. so wherever you be, stay cool, you´ll.

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