Monday, June 28, 2021

texas, life, blablabla

 used to go to tx for family, travel, music, men. now i travel w/my man for family & music. here are some recent pix from tx. we love the lone star state, tho so much of it blares brashly, arrogantly red. i can be deep blue & yet love aspects of redness that aren't really redness: good manners, kindness, work ethic, responsibility, family... those are traits that don't belong to them. i know that so they don't bother me unless they stick their dogma in my face. that didn't happen too much while we were there, & when it did, i shut it down. let's just agree to disagree. it worked.

one torpid afternoon, i jogged along my cousin's beautiful canopied road with lovely wildflowers and trees all about, & some of the wide-stretching ranch homes bore mean red signs for the defeated orange stain... whatever: he lost! he's gone! they might think not... the truth's the truth, & i still can enjoy myself.

i like cities less & less all the time. aspects? yes. music, restaurants, architecture, services free to all such as public spaces, walking/biking/running trails, hiking areas, dog parks, beautiful sites... but cities are compacted & heart-breakingly stratified. i know our country is a big beautiful mess, but i don't want to see the mess part. others in my family are braver: mama, for example, is a true-blue activist, turning 77 this year. angie & doug (sister & bro-in-law) minister to & feed people weekly. but willful ignorance is the only way to be for me. here & there, yeah, i do good works, too, but i don't seek them out. have to stay alive, & too much reality... can't cut it.

anyways, i'm "flat-butting" at the computer, as dad calls it, & later we head to bakingfield for a few days. i don't know if the lil loafer trailer will sell. had mucho response but no one really committing. hope it does so we can get a larger trailer w/bathroom & kitchen. that way mom & dad (and maybe more visitors) can stay here comfortably.

well, that's it for now, i think. except we are playing on july 16. i think there will be a flyer, but maybe not.

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