Sunday, January 19, 2020

little free libraries, angie & missy

the nice local librarian, sue, lets me take box after box of discards from the library donations. these are books the library cannot add to its collection or even sell due to condition or type. (coloring books are never accepted, for instance.) i then get to sort through, adding most to the free little library out front of the house, the rest to school. and some stay with my bibliophile family members bc the variety of books is amazing!! i'm astounded over & over & over & over at the vastness of titles & subjects.
the other day penny was barking her head off outside. i investigated & saw a man trying to look at books in our free little library. most of the tomes within had been ruined by the christmas snow storm; the worst i already had chucked; the remaining, tho still damaged, were readable. i grabbed penny to bring her in so the man could peruse the books.
"it's ok," he said, "she's a good guard dog."
 a few minutes after, i happened to glance out the window. the guy was taking ARMLOADS of books to his car! i later told sue & she said, "oh gosh, i hope he wasn't using them for firewood." (many folks up here really struggle; the weather's harsh in winter, there are few jobs, & if a person's w/o wheels, the steep, steep roads make a hike to the store arduous.) i didn't think that sad thought was the case bc the books still were damp, therefore not flammable -- at least immediately. and he wouldn't be able to resell them due to their condition.
i concluded this guy was a REAL READER &, maybe like i am, grabs whatever he sees that loved ones might enjoy.
i'm so pleased to be the conduit allowing books to stay in kern county rather than going into the dump!
now if only james or i actually could get access to the REAL dump...
(not a hoarder, not a hoarder, not a hoarder, not a hoarder)
yesterday james went to his gig & i drove mom & dad to a wedding out in the mojave desert at the exotic feline conservation center ( the bride has been sister angie's best friend since age 7, a shy but cheerful sprite in love w/cats & rave culture. missy's been volunteering at the place for year & years, meeting her husband there. this place is so very worth the visit! astounding to walk a cement path & view sleek, lithe, gorgeous, lolling, pacing creatures such as lynx, tiger, jaguar, cougar... wow!!
the ring bearer was a serval on leash. the groom wore traditional tux, the bride 6-inch monster platforms, a sparkly mini dress, & bright pink hair in bunny-ear tails. best of all was when my sister got up: she was the minister!! i burst into tears. the ceremony, which she wrote, was funny, silly, warm-hearted & wise. i remembered angie & missy, tiny girls, playing barbies on the steps outside our 1st real house on hollins street in the early 70s. here they were! wonderful.
afterward, we drove along desert roads, abandoned sun-& wind-wrecked buildings all around & a rhyolite mine on the hills in the distance, & had family luncheon at a mexican restaurant to celebrate mary fafa's birthday. it was a wonderful day & only would've been better if james had been there.
this morning i drank coffee, had pb&j, & got to read about 30 pgs of a fun 1897 title from the library discards. the pursuit of the house boat by john kendrick bangs features a bunch of dead famous folks, shades in hades, in search of their ship, stolen by capt kidd. this victorian satire --  hamlet bickers with noah, shylock with samson, etc -- struck me as the granddaddy of mad magazine: absurd, silly, irreverent commentary on society. leading the mystery is sherlock holmes, who in 1897 temporarily  was dead, killed off by arthur conan doyle in "the adventure of the final problem." sir acd was burned out on writing holmes installments, but approved of & enjoyed his character's appearance in his friend bangs's parody.
a penultimate note: a quick search disclosed that assembling disparate characters, real & imaginary, is known as "bangsian fantasy."

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