one of my tiniest students has been sick with a high fever, very worrisome. she is a very small, delicate child. i hope she is better today. i so love my students. another few also have been really sick. today i am very sick, really weird & painful head symptoms & no energy, just blah; i'm like a sitting, standing blob of dumb soreness. our christmas play is not coming along so well... a month was not enough time for them to pull it all together after the roaring success of their haunted house. i feel terrible for scrooge, the kid i had to fire last year. he is really excelling this time... meanwhile, most others are near-crazy with visions of holidays & are not able to focus. then this gorgeous red husky came up the other day & we made the fatal error of naming him. then heard he is owned by someone who mistreats him & has not come to get him, though he has been told we have him. (i don't know where the guy lives... that is the only good thing here bc if i did, i'd feel compelled to return him, & sounds like this individual doesn't deserve to have this gentle, noble creature.) that plus manuel show, too many potlucks (one is too many, in my opinion), upcoming christmas, marriage, all this is too much right now. i wish we could keep buddy the dog, who is not just so very handsome, but docile & sweet. he even likes hanging out in the dog house dad bought penny, which penny never uses. and he lets penny, half his size, be the alpha dog, which is fortunate. bleh.... i am useless today. i feel physically like what i wrote at top, and emotionally just overwhelmed, like i said. so to do something, i did the dishes & made a final poster for sunday. i think it will be a rockin joyous feliz navidad for all. i am certain that manuel, in whose honor we are having teh show, would be very happy. :) and cody might be there. i haven't seen my older stepson in years. he is a really good egg who tries to save the world. friends are coming. i am a bless-ed individual. i'm gonna now post this & go lie down for a bit more before we take buddy lou page to the shelter on the hill so that the jerk who owns him will have to go get him & defend himself before he can take him back. i wrote a note to accompany buddy entitled "red husky" explaining what i know. i said we'd like to adopt him, if it comes to that, tho i'm sure a beautiful beast like buddy will be swooped up quickly.
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