Saturday, December 08, 2018


everything lately is good, just good, just fine, really nice, swell, cool! the biggest news has been snow! it really snowed! here are some pix. click on public posts for 2nd snow day and 1st snow day
and here is some great! news!!! i rally wanna go to nc for this, which'll be my first time in the carolinas... must be there!! when really nothing's important in the Grand Scheme, this is Important! 5 royales plaque
i'm procrastinating. there's a pile of gifts i have to wrap, the pile's i'm not kidding 4.5 feet tall, i gotta get that stuffed wrapped, everything i wrap looks like charlie brown's christmas tree, going to bakersfield soon, hanukkah 8k tomorrow, found out i can bring penny, need to make updated flyer for christmas show with performers' names, listening to big manny christmas album & wrapping gifts, procrastinating, better run before i don't do it at all...

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