blablablablablablabla zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i took my chill pill, so want to squeeze out this entry before i drop into obliviona (somnambula?)... just ordered pizza after a long day of twiddling thumbs, staring into space, contemplating/cursing/exhalting existence, pulling weeds & moving boxes. the house is Now Ready for inhabitant number two's arrival. yes, the most important man in the world soon will be here, & he'll have lots of room to spread out, pursue hobbies, play & write songs, yak on the phone, listen to records, look at the stars, walk up into the mountains, shoot coyotes w/bb gun, smoke copiously on one of the four porches, pet the vagabond cat & dog, cook, chop out dead trees... and pull weeds w/me, i hope.
i've spent the week furiously culling & organizing possessions, then assembling, packing, moving 100s, heck, maybe 1000s of pounds of boxes, ladders, lumber, tools, flooring, wheelbarrows of trash, rocks & weeds, furniture. this place is multi-level, so this all involved a lot of climbing stairs, too. grateful to be able to get around so well at my age, even after smashing my foot on a board & wrenching my wrist trying to carry too much weight at once. on the other end, TMIMITW has been busy, too, culling, organizing, disassembling, packing. we are tcb, in the parlance of the king... speaking of whom, james's kentucky family adores elvis & has a family connection: one uncle gave young elvis his first job as a movie theatre usher; others used to hang w/young elvis -- the uncle now in california was long-legal counsel for mr scotty moore, in fact! then there's the awesome story about jerry lee lewis, whom i found out is more than just a bad apple, but a sinister character -- a charming, tough uncle, a family patriarch whom james resembles, older family members say, beat the tar out of the killer onstage one night, one crew against the other. pulled him right off his piano, the story goes, but the killer totally deserved it, if facts be told... it's always baffled me how some artists have tremendous talent, even genius, yet are horrible creatures, moral offenders, brutes, bad monsters. insanity/emotional trouble + talent, yes, i acknowledge & know that connection & that one even makes sense: but it bothers me, the ones who reek as human beings & yet can produce unparalleled works in their field when they should be mundane &/or burned at a stake, maybe!!... well, the pizza's here & i'm going into warble land, so this is about it except to add, if you're on this mountain, ALWAYS order pizza from caveman cavey's, not mike's pizza. both produce very tasty food, but CC's is friendly, always w/attitude of pleasing the customer, & inform you of deals... the other does not possess any of those positives, & in fact, one time overcharged me considerably when i brought in my family to treat them. to not upset anyone, i paid the inflated bill, but remember the adage, which chuck berry recited in hail hail rocknroll: "fool me one time, shame on you. but fool me two times... shame on me."
ps - doug & angie, graduating together saturday from bible college (doug is valedictorian! both are getting MAs!), are the greatest, & they're right: spirits, good & evil, are real... the demon of depression's got my number for now, but i'm gonna get my number back & run that sucker into the hole from whence it came because i got the power now. i got the power & you do, too! "be still & know..." that's all. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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