Tuesday, March 11, 2014


sister b, the irish "nunny bunny" & beloved/wise/spry/comedic recovery leader, has a funny bit where she talks about driving thru texas & being told by a friend to look for the "saaaahns." w/the exception of the other day, when genetic blues punched me in the gut like they have here & there since i was a chaaald, i've seen many, many signs. two days ago, even in my depressed underwater state, were waves, seashells, sunset, miraculous words at the meeting, sunshine, the sky, the palms, breezes, a piece of mango cake from a sweet little girl, & much more.  yesterday, in the midst of some confusion, were words of hope to my stepson, boundaries set toward others by james & by me, the gifts of a bbq (james has wanted one), a keurig coffee maker (again, something he's been wanting) & a gigantic container of sea salt. i noted that last one: sea salt is natural lithium! we both immediately put a bit under our tongues. before i left for my meeting, the way i saw james resolve a situation w/placid revelation & resignation, that was definitely a sign. from chaos to such calm in a matter of hours: a miracle, a blessing.
i'm going to take my favorite bicycle soon on a foray across town to see my lovely sponsor & i'll be looking for them saahns. the cycles's an ugly folding peugeot 2-speed from dad & it rides w/such fun & ease & freedom. its homeliness makes it more special to me cause god loves the little things & while i'm certainly no god, i do, too; more than fair attention's given to the big & new & splashy... speaking of splashy, the other day while i waded in the ocean taking pix, a biggin came up & swashed me & phone wetly, so another task today is to go replace phone. dad emailed & noted the phone's not been a cooperative varmint, anyway, & yes, it's really been an unreliable pain in the butt. in fact, when we get permanently settled, i'm going back to a land line. well, digression's taking over, so i'm off except to post a few worthy links:
lovely quotes from mother teresa
thoughts on the book of job

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