me: i thought you didn't like listening to music before a show...
him: naw, that's in the car, & that'll probably be different now, too. i've never known a girl who listened to cool music! they'd put on the eagles or some other crap!...
him: like rush!
me: oh, i hate rush! and pink floyd!
him: aw, man! "neil peart's the best drummer in the world!" kiss my ass!! people've told me, "yeah, man, they're heavy. i don't blame you if they make you sad." and i say, "no, mothef*cker, it don't make me sad, it makes me wanna kick your ass! this isn't music, it's like taking a beating!" i mean, the wrong music gives me a headache, makes me sick to my stomach...
me: i've started crying before... one time in austin i threw up.
him: i wanna say, "real music? singing about spaceships & all this other bullsh*t? that ain't music! if big joe turner heard that, he'd beat the sh*t out of you! johnny guitar watson'd stab you! jerry lee lewis would beat you to death with a crowbar, then steal your woman AND your mother!" i mean, these are REAL men -- chuck berry, cab calloway, roy brown, fats waller, johnny cash. "i'm gonna sit right here until i die." that is some heavy real-life pain! [hasil adkin's "the hunch" comes on.]
me: hah! the haz! wonder what HE's singing about? haha!

- james dressed in a black suit & satin shirt w/kerchief. he looked bitchin!! feeling especially music-filled, i wore my professor longhair shirt & hoped a little of that fess spirit would shine through my fingers that night... tony snapped this swell pic, which i post here cause, well, we won't always be so photogenic! uncle jimmy quipped, "is that my cousin bettie page?" drummer ron felton wrote, "cesar and cleopatra"... people in their inventiveness can write & say some pretty cool things!
today we're going to the county fair, me & james, me & my big smart funny man, & i can't wait! we love love love fairs, but this'll be our first together. james helped write phil alvin's/the blasters' "county fair" song, one of my most favorite songs by one of my most favorite bands.... of course. synchronicity, happenstance, meant-to-be, dumb luck, fortune, quien sabe? sólo la sombra sabe... happy eve or day to you who may still be reading...
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