we just hung up in our bedroom james' mother's mirror, a beautiful old thing w/dark wood & leaded glass. all of his mother's possessions that james has had are displayed lovingly in this house; thru decades of wildness & chaos, he held on to these precious items -- they MUST be part of our home, not relegated to garage like garbage. today is the day 22 yrs ago his beloved mother passed away, so tho i never got to meet her, i post here to honor her. she sounds like she was quite a provider, beauty,... & character, too -- of course she was, being james's mama! :D ...yesterday, i just found out, huell howser died. such sad news! i got to meet him just one time, & his was the biggest hand i've ever shook! he was friendly, folksy, hale, just like his tv image... james, stronger & more sober daily, went to the garage to get tools to hang the mirror & came back practically leaping & bursting, reporting he'd had a spiritual experience. he & jamesjr now are gathered in son's room, hanging shelves bought for the boy by his generous aunt & yakking away w/great animation (well, sr is... jr is more staid, but he sounds happier lately, for which i'm grateful). life for james & i just keeps improving; he's on the cover of the latest southland blues magazine, & paragraph three mentions our love being a strong force in his new life of creativity & happiness. i was touched they mentioned "us" at all... the best part is, i've not tried to change james at all. when i realized how much we loved one another, i made a decision: i must accept him as-is, w/no expectations. he has decided, unsolicitedly, to make all the positive changes that he has... wow. life is wonderful. who knows what will be next? great, good, speed bump, crash, one thing i know: this life contains no indifference, no apathy, no cynicism, just a lot of hope -- for all of us as well as for our loved ones... heck, even for this world.
i post these pix cause we were at my folks' watching huell howser when they were taken. we look somber, but more likely we were near-unconscious from caloric overload... happy eve or day to you.

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