Saturday, August 20, 2011


my beautiful little kitty... at 4am, i woke to the sounds of her being killed by a coyote & ran outside just in time to see the whole thing. she was fighting hard, but the coyote, of course, had her overpowered... i hope she didn't suffer long, tho i know & saw that she did. poor little creature. i can't wait til i stop blaming myself & seeing the whole thing over & over in my mind. there are such far worse tragedies in this world routinely, & i knew the risk of having her up here, but still this is a sad occasion, to lose a pet so violently. bless my sister angie for being there to help me when i called her, distraught. :(


Anonymous said...


Memphis Mike said...

Honey, I can't even begin to imagine how bad that was for either of you. Just know, you showed her loved and in return, received love. Hold on to the happy memories. ML2U!

jenny page said...

thank you to you both. xo, j