Wednesday, March 16, 2011

jenny and the phantoms perform real coolo songs

the chickens down the road are screaming!!! maybe they're pushing out some gigantor eggs... last night @ the mtg, my friend karen & i agreed we want chickens like our friend joy has. hers are pretty & funny & make multi-colored eggs. wow: imagine that!! :) ok, here's some new songs w/lyrics, very crude recordings (por supuesto). also put them on esnips, but since don't have quicktime on this particular laptop, can't embed that here (hence the video, which was sort of fun & irritating to make). (actually, i guess my "video" is really just a slide show, as my niece would pt out, were she here!) here's link to esnips audio of songs, tho there you can't be privy to the brilliant lyrics.
(please laugh.) new songs on esnips


Anonymous said...

Cartoon doom and gloom tempramental monsoon--BRILLIANT!! You do Chuck Berry well, although I also thought of the Stones.
Yes the recordings are amateurly done, but the strong songwriting and performing shines past them. Good work! (A.Friend)

Memphis Mike said...

LOVE EM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question: Do you get manic when you write like I do? :-P

Anonymous said...

blasters dude!!!!!!!!
i get manic when i'm NOT writing... sometimes quite unfortunately! seem to have a better handle on it since coming back from NM, where i learned to call it becoming "emotionally disregulated." :)