here's some pix from that show, including our new bass player scotty. the band was each given a piece of "caveman" fabric & demonstrated awesome creativity, i thought, when ea showed up as 1) "dallas cowboy cheerleader caveman" (what rick called phil, who wore t-shirt, black shorts & cowboy boots, his legs sticking out conspicuously, & who then did a strip tease when his cave bottoms fell off, to hoots & hollers from female audience); 2) hippie caveman (was delighted that scotty was able to wear the tiger-western shirt made by my artist bro-in-law paul in denver -- i've never been able to wear it); & 3) what i call wally wood classic caveman -- rick went full neanderthal, as i kinda hoped he would, looking as goofy nerdy-cool as anything from vintage mad magazine era.
me? i was (of course) sick as a dog from a terrible recent health snag (nothing lethal; i'm ok, but it has been traumatic), so i opted for buried-in-fur freezing cavewoman. unfortunately, i didn't consider that such an outfit would add 40 lbs to my frame!!! oh well.
once we hit the ground playing, i was well for 4 straight hrs... those derby acres folks kept swarming in, many even having come to see us from the taft show w/whiteboy james, & everyone partied cheerfully, loudly, & generously all night long w/us. we received compliments galore, an encore, & more. "you really come alive w/a crowd," said a nice couple. "the more people arrived, the more you lit up." i loved hearing that!! it's true!!
we played better than we ever have; phil debuted his new awesome rockabilly tune; he & i took round after round of improv instrumentals, & phil's always right-there ready to go. it just felt so good -- my fingers were cooperating cause we were all in the glide... unlike tonight, unlike after the show, the rollercoaster of music was absolutely exhilarating! we did werewolves of london (2x; everyone sang along); haunted house (gene simmons/hasil adkins); munsters theme -- only the last had been practiced, but the others came out so fun!
i even received marriage proposals. even w/40 lbs of extra wt from my costume. :)
however, the moment we stopped playing, i felt death coming quickly. it took a good while to say goodbye to folks, get moolah, load up. i wanted so badly to just lie down & rest & die... such a long drive home... just wanted to die... the evening ended up being full-blown horrible, monstrously so, maybe fitting for halloween, but no no no fun, no sir... but the show, the show was tops, one of our ever-loving best! i was amazed by scott, who, w/1 practice w/us, laid down bass for over 4 hrs.
life w/o music is no life at all. thank you to scott, rick, & phil. and big manny, who doesn't even know he saved me this evening. tonight @ the mtg in nearby lake of the woods, a man said, "here [in secret society] i not just found my smile, but the peace that goes behind it." when i am in the music, or around dear friends, i know that feeling. may you have it, too. no arcania for tonight -- just a wish for love & music & friendship & forgiveness to all who read this.
New bass player and new drummer????
yes - i should have devoted a whole column to just that.
randy is a very busy businessman & also has another band. mark, as you might know, has many other projects.
this is very much a "keep-it-simple" project (to use a phrase from the drunk club) that yet does, i think, require time & study for the music to be played w/respect for its history.
i wish them both the very, very best always! randy was really generous about letting us practice in his studio &, of course, mark had become a dear friend.
things just didn't work out.
I like the recordings from iTunes... Great mix of players.. Drum parts perfect! and Bass is hard driving.
yes, the recording was well-played, tho art fein says he will mix our new one so it "sounds right." as for the bass, it cost me quite a penny to fix many of the parts.
Did you Write all of the instrumental parts?
no, "anonymous," but if you're referring to the bass lines, there were two country-style songs on which the bassist had played flatted notes & it didn't fit at all... engineer sharon marie, whose mother was country singer carolina cotton, agreed, so we took about half an hour to fix all of those.
and if you're referring to the drum parts, the old drummer's writing contribution was a 4-measure intro to one song, which we took off the song & now perform the way i wrote it.
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