am thinking some folks maybe are sore at me right now, tho. such is life, i guess. this, too, shall pass. they all have lives... how important can i be? it can't last, not the good or bad... upside is fri after practice i get to go watch manuel back up karling abbeygate, then we get to do a halloween show, then monday i'll meet the big man again at the barndance... tho i guess not the sore guy who lives in hollywood. maybe some other time. for now, oil well.
am now slightly lamenting i won't be at ex-hubby b's (& my) friends' halloween party sat, where the sober bikers sing (at funnest pt in set, for me) trashy 60s tunes & john smith does his spot-on karloff (i mean bobby boris pickett) & i get to pluck away off-the-cuff... however, we'll debut a new devil this wkend (i hope - if the guy has stamina to run a marathon in 3:30, he can certainly bust thru 4 sets, i'm thinking!!) & i'm looking fwd to seeing the fellows in caveman attire. that should be swell! :) for me, i spose i'll be the token cavewoman.
i think i'll rat my hair. and imagine the makeup i'll be able to get away with!
shuddering w/excitement now... time to hit the keys & try the zevon song... as well as there's a moon out tonight, whoa-oh-oh-ooh (capris)
(p.s. - this reminds me of when i was totally obsessed w/movies & tv shows & did stuff like the following: zombieland dialogue transcript )
(p.p.s. - "go get em," said manuel. "hit em hard & make em love you. i know you do." he speaks from experience!! anyone who doesn't love manuel has no heart & also no ear for sumo-sized talent & the best music!!!)
Cavechick attire? PICS PLEASE!!!!! MWAAHAHAHAHAHA :-)
Oh yes, your the worst most horrible person... NOT! :-D
Men are like trains, the next one will arrive in 5 to 10 minutes. I mean we are talking about MEN here. arent we? Can't live with them, can't kill them!
:-D xoxo, DG
nonono, the problems aren't all about men, tho someone i know well (a male) says that i "hate" men... imagine!!! the problems aren't romantic, if that's what you mean... but, come to think of it, the people who are annoyed w/me (the ones i'm aware of, anyhow) ARE all male. hmmm...
on the other hand, i don't usually notice when women are mad at me. sisters! so if you're a woman & hate me, i'm unaware of it... where is this going... blablabla
some of my best friends are male...
there's plenty for me to look at here re my own behavior, & i've been trying... & tho i can trace the problem of self back to ea person whom i think now might be annoyed at me, i know that in life, conflict can just happen.
i strive to do better.
ok, enough on this for now... sister! :) :) :)
re mikey -- you flatter me!! :) but if the getup's half-decent, i'll sure get pic. :) ml2u from moi
You're a fine person... quirky though lol :) and a "knock out of the park" soul ....
gee whiz, what a nice, nice comment. :) happy halloween to anyone reading this, be it current or not!!!!!
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