well hope all've had the best wkend possible in these if-we-look-at-em scary times. on this bachelorette stint, i found myself down the rabbit hole, barricaded like an addict in my music rm. was sposed to go to a political rally w/my folks. they pounded on the door, but i was deep in recording a part & didn't hear. later, beating on the drums, i espied my mother's furrowed brow thru the blinds. oops. they had come back to see if i was ok. it was embarrassing. must pay more attn & not get so dang obsessed. this is the bachelorette life, around here...
i like my latest songs. :) they are cheerful, not too neurotic, & catchy, too! music puts one so in the bliss (insert vonnegut quote here). last night the spell finally broke & i jogged to meet jani & patty. we hit the spkr mtg & i talked at great length w/wonderful pat, who saves lives like mine all the time w/her advice & support. philbert turned me on to jalapeno poppers tues night when we drove home from el cid, so jani swung us by fast food & after gobbling them down, i got this morgan spurlock-kind of fast food bellyache... upside is, too sick to sleep, i saw this really great documentary "off the grid: life on the mesa" on the tube. it was touching, frightening, eccentric & heartfelt, & i recommend it mucho.
b came riding up around 11 am & pulled me back down to planet earth. (sing to tune of buck owens song): i'm tethered again. it's turned fall here in bako & is california clear & cold, just lovely. we had our school carnival fri; the kids were by & large wonderful, darling, sweet. i love so many of them more & more all the time. :) i am grateful for what i have, for what i don't, & wish you the same.
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