Sunday, May 29, 2022


- i inherited dad's tendency to overresearch a thing, then discard it. we got the camper van, from a broad-smiling fellow in rosedale who actually said, "aren't you jenny angel?" and turns out he had seen us when we opened for coco montoya... & used to go to dusk devils show. what?!?!? james was very enthusiastic about the camper van. i liked it at the time. but now i don't want it. but we have to try to like it, so we will take it for a trip when the cat is better. this past week, we were told he either has a bad infection... or cancer. cheese and crackers. he seems to be improving after yesterday having a walking dead eyeball that made me gag when i saw him. maybe something bad inside him ruptured & is leaving him. i hope. - made 2 flyers this week, first for the band, then the guest drummer, david wulfekuehler, got sick, so we had to cancel, then james decided he & i would do the show, so here are the two flyers, since i made them & i think they are cool.
- we just put a bunch of stuff on facebook marketplace to sell, so you should go look. some items already are getting a bite. at our antique spot, we are the #2 sellers. i am happy with this since i don't think we'll stop bringing home junk, so it's nice to have a place to put it besides in our house. right now james is on a ladder putting up my weather vane, which i got from our friend when we helped her clean her yard & an old shed made of a fishing boat bottom. i think james will be bringing that home next week, too. yipes! this morn he also brought home a 300 lb alien statue he named zabar. he had shown me the darn thing before, in its artist's front yard. so i guess he was putting down payments on it, then a friend of his from down south showed up in town & bought it for him. zabar was paraded down the main street during yesterday's car show, & now he is in our yard, sculpted from a giant log "from the day fire," said his creator, who is a stained glass expert & who told a story of making a rare-gem clock face that was installed at michael jackson's creepy palace. zabar's eyes are abalone & he gleams like a beautiful lizard. james was hugging him, so i guess i will have to learn to love him, too. - also need to learn to love that our house is starting to look like fred sanford's junkyard. tho we hope we eventually will have a roadside attraction. i hope it won't end up looking like the home of insane hoarders. time will tell! - we are heading for the city soon to stay in a hotel with a pool, gym, & breakfast. that way we can go to the movies, since there are no theatres here. (downside of rural living: not many amenities.) so back to the music, the show, well, it was, from a musical standpoint... interesting. i need a new amp & james needs to get his basement studio done so we actually can practice regularly. the audience, however, was very positive. a young man said, at the end, "your voice is soft, and then you unleash that growl on us and we all go whoah! where did that come from?" that was a truly-cool compliment! - our amps & instruments might not've been up to par in my mind, but james's voice sounded strong & mighty, & mine sounded good, too, on a few songs. i especially love when we do blasters tunes so i can play a semblance of gene taylor's (r.i.p., friend) solos. we both know those records so well, it's natural. we can do it. and those songs are stomping! ... i hope we can get our combo going again under its new name. can't wait for school to be out so we can work on it. i really love the kids at our school but can't wait for it to be over for summer. - i think that's it. better finish packing & give the animals their medicines. bye for now.

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