Tuesday, March 23, 2021

obsessing over go-karts, james's improv over ammons' boogie-woogie

this is the only way i could figure out how to get this video from facebook onto this blog; i wrote about it below, then forgot about it til this eve... anyways, here it is. (wow! i just listened & recording the video FROM a video created the coolest reverb!) 
well, it's almost mimis time around here. i intended to research & practice ghosh yoga this eve, but instead sat on my brain here obsessing over california-legal utvs. i think i want to order a 4 seater; then the family can ride along when we go up in the mountains. i don't want anything fast bc in our family a young cowboy cousin-of-a-cousin lost his life going fast on a quad. that still haunts me, & dad even mentioned it when i told him i was looking for a utv for us -- off-road go-kart, side by side, don't matter.
a few months back i was jogging penny home & near our house is a very steep dirt trail that parallels & abuts the highway. two fellows in a side by side went tearing a*s past us along the road, beverages in hand, whooping it up, leaving us in a cloud of dirt as they cut across the highway at top speed & plowed straight up that narrow, steep trail, still at top speed, got to the top, &... stalled out. then for some insane reason, they rocked the vehicle TOWARD the cliff that fell off onto the highway & as i watched, in slo-mo, they teetered, then tumbled, then crashed end-over-end, boom! boom! boom!... SMASH!!!, landing sideways on the asphalt of the highway. i ran with penny, imagining blood & exploded skulls, but as i approached, i just heard a loud f-bomb exclamation & then knew they were ok. "do you need help?!?!" i exclaimed, & angrily, probably embarrased, they both yelled "NO!!!", stuck there in the tiny vehicle, lives saved by its small roll bar, jammed in like sardines, but they did not want MY help, some middle-aged woman with a dog... i walked off, my help rebuked, as a luxury sedan AND a dirt bike screeched to halts, the men in each jumping out to go give rescue. so i just took my penny dog & went home. let the men help the men, i guess.
so when we get our utv or off-road go-kart (with FREE SHIPPING! maybe from TEXAS!), we will need to avoid that kind of danger....
but i know i'd never be stupid enough to speed up something that narrow, steep... and right next to a highway!!
well, i think it's time for bed now. hope you enjoyed the video.


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