Saturday, June 27, 2020


the latest obsession - this is ville virtanen, & he reminds me of boris karloff... when i was younger/before i was mrs page, this would've gone in my "future ex-husbands" folder. i just love the  sad, saturnine face & everything about this actor in this series!
this (bordertown, original title sorjonen) was a swell show, not bc of plots, which oftenttimes tho luridly gripping seemed far-fetched, but mostly bc of the main character, pictured here, w/his brainy oddness & awkwardness, & i did love the cinematography w vastly lucious overhead shots of scandinavia, & the tough female cop of world-weary beauty. the show makes me want to study finnish...
sigh. the gnat-mind flits again.
in other news, i did NOT do something sh*tty last wk, & the world's a mess, it's in james's kiss, & i'm reading a book about punk rock & most of those ppl were pretty crappy humans. what a shock.
americans should speak out about injustice! i remember as a kid learning about "manifest destiny" &  wondering, "why did they think that land should be theirs when the 'indians' already lived there?" a country founded in genocide & slavery cannot have lasting peace. :(
in much smaller news, yet enormous in my life right now,
james + jenny = true love
nothing is harder or more worthwhile.

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