earlier we drove down to denny's at the grapevine & ate. it was not as exciting as i'd thought it would be after months out of restaurants: clean & quiet. somber, even, the few diners spaced generously. the waitstaff wasn't quite as good as i'd thought they'd be with so few ppl to serve. but heck, most ppl still are weirded out, including servers, likely, so i left a good tip, regardless. i just learned a work colleague friend's family member died last week of covid19. :( it's sure not hit our county like the eastern cities or (to much lesser extent) LA, but ppl are dying. it's not over. i will cautiously respect "reopening efforts," but also will continue to be careful & respectful of others' space, & if they don't respect mine, i can't give them a piledriver like james maybe would, but i can wear my mask & turn away.
so we came home & ended up watching a short interview w/"the last beegee," barry gibb, which isn't something i'd think i'd watch, but i was caught off-guard. james & i are of the age when the beegees were the biggest thing, & that's embarrassed me in past, but we watched it, moved to see that barry gibb is gentle, sincere, & kind. all of his brothers have died. my god. his grief is real, touchingly expressed. it made me remember a few summers back on vacation w/family, driving w/sis & bro-in-law in a gigantic rentavan & james & i singing aloud to beegee songs with soaring hearts (& falsettos).

a lamb across the road yells often, such a sad, insistent bleat. he is going off right now, poor little guy or gal. and being home, i have seen more beautiful birds these past months than ever. they likely are migrating during day when in normal routine i would be in the classroom. these birds, so vibrantly white, blue, red, yellow, & more, always cheer us. the lizards, too: seen more of those than ever before, some looking over 6 inches long (james has named two of them leroy & larry), & lots of grasshoppers/maybe locusts... sitting on the couch after the barry gibb show, listening to the birds, we took some photos w/our newish tablet, james recovering from an eye injury, me from badly cut bangs.
boy, we sure are lucky. still not pushing up daisies, enjoying this nice weather, nature, some time for music & contemplation. no complaints here, not ever, i hope.
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