the writing below is typical james, & it's garnered lots of comment. what got me was what he said: "i wrote it to try to make people feel better. and me, too. i wanted to feel better."
i thought of my post below & realized what a troll i can be.
james wanted to make people laugh. that's what he does. that's only one of his methods of rescue. (at his last show, last sunday, he threw toilet paper to the crowd between songs.)
i can learn a lot if i really look at what he does before i do most anything
. my hero. :) enjoy the post.
Hello, James here. I don't get involved in most stuff that flies around on social media, & I'm not worried about getting the virus myself. My body is full of all sorts of wonderful mind bending manic inducing goodies........There is, however, one thing I'm not happy about......Here goes.... I've been playing music in bars, honkey tonks, at weddings, birthday parties, bike runs, festivals, freaky bachelorette slut parties, freakier bachelor parties with dudes I used to think were decent people acting like they have never seen a naked woman in person ( Yes Bill Bloughst, that means you, freak boy) house parties, Elk's, Moose, V.F.W. halls and just about every other place that does not have a stage, air conditioning, bathrooms that don't stink......Anyways, I'm getting off track here. Here's what I'm getting at. Almost every place I've ever played at (been doing music since I was 16, see photo), at the end of the night, I steal the toilet paper.....Have not paid for a$$ wipe for 35 years. It's the only crime against civillians that I continue to be actively involved in. It's one of the only adrenaline rushes I get to have...Stealing toilet paper, WOOOHOOO. Well, that's all over. C19 (whatever it's called) came to town, & the bars, honkey tonks etcetera have been closed, I can't get my T.P. hustle on, never kept any spare rolls around, i'd just bag some more Sat. night at Shenanigan's or whatever tight a$$ed establishment fired me for singing about humpin', beating up some jack a$$ that would not quit doing what I told him not to do or some ding bat assistant manager dude or chick that refuses to turn off the go#%#mn juke box or the jockstrap contest on the 75 inch hd plasma, surround sound, built in E.S.P.N flat screen....You know, the one that's less than 5 inches from your head while you're singing? $h*t!
To make a long story longer, my shows are all cancelled -- not just mine, all my incredibly talented, hard working people in our So. Cal. blues, rock, rockabilly, hillbilly, jazz, tribute bands, karaoke hosts (what's up, Maria?) kitchen staff, all my fav. super cool bartenders (Dave Hayden, Bro. Thomas Wheeler, Avocado Sandra) and most of all, the wonderful extended family a musician is blessed with. The music lovers. I don't like the word "fan" -- I consider the people who come down to the club and join us in our super duper lowdown, dirty, nasty, funky, boogie woogie roller coaster rides to be my friends. Heck, a lot them have become part of my family. This whole thing sucks, we know that. Worst of all, I've got to go immediately to the throne and feed the warden (Prison jive for having to go poo poo).
There's no Charman to sqeeze at the Piggly Wiggly, and worst of all, no show to play, no way to quiet the carnival in my brain, and no more toilet paper to steal.........Fu##! I didn't see this one coming. I love and miss all of you. please be good to each other -- we'll get through this thing. Goodbye, I've got to find a corn cob........
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