A mystery bird has been singing all day, a three tone melody of 2 beats, 1, 1: I think the notes are c, f-a flat. Keep meaning to go check it on the piano, but I'd have to get up. (addendum: checked it! it's singing a minor fifth, tho i was a half-step off on key! here's a charming site:
tonality of birds) (& another: this talented woman translated avian music to fiddle!
musicality of birdsong) (search "do birds sing in key?" & you will find a lot) ...I'm tap, tap, tapping away on my broken old phone tucked under covers w gently snoring James & the breeze blowing in is lulling, shadows starting to dapple mountain, aaah. Am sleepy after productive day cleaning, cooking, reading, piano, yardworking. As I swept, Penny went into a bark fit, & I looked out just in time as the object of her pique, a grown deer, leaped lissomely out of sight. Wildlife & sounds have abounded today, maybe making a last show before autumn's end...? Dunno, but it's sure lovely... There's a website I subscribe to,
https://bluespianosheets.com/, & finally after many yrs I got round to printing out a bunch of pieces, so today got to focus on Ammons' "Jump for Joy" & started wondering if he was a lefty. It's a thrilling boogie-woogie I first heard while driving listening to a new bw comp cd: had to pull over -- it was that astounding! I think it's just right for me, the left-handed pounder, to commit to memory. Wow, am I lucky!! ...Couldn't play last night, tho, bc James was too excited: "Dolemite Is My Name" finally came out on Netflix. He's been waiting for months to see it!! It was a terrific, fun film, the most entertaining in memory for me, & I'm now a convert. James has talked a lot about Dolemite/Rudy Ray Moore for yrs, but I never got it til now. James is so excited that now the world is being reintroduced to Dolemite, whose toasts James has memorized (just one of his many verbal specialties) & whose outrageousness certainly has had a large influence on the WB James persona, as well. Before we watched, my husband turned 10 yrs old, laughing, yelling, dancing, gathering all his Dolemite videos (the pic of us is a setup, of course; his ebullience was real, my annoyance not). He came upstairs dressed as you see at top & announced, "Now I'm ready to watch it ." What a fun eve we had; the movie's well-worth your time, if you're not overly
sensitive. Finger is cramping up; time to wake the man.
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