link for this video is at bottom. |
haven't posted in a good long time! my work email seems to have eaten my personal. has something to do with work permissions. just overcame it; had to change password. big deal! my life is gold. am home sick today but the school's closed bc pg&e shut off power to that area, at mouth of the grapevine, a forested wind tunnel & certainly a fire hazard zone. mama said pg&e's doing these "preventative" shut-downs bc they're mad about going into bankruptcy to pay for the paradise tragedy. i don't know.
so much has been going on. my class this year is the best ever, a 5-6 combo. over summer i was trained in restorative practices & started the yr off with them, resulting in the closest, happiest, most improving class ever. corey is fantastic as principal; she is forging a much-improved school culture for all. i just knew she'd be terrific!
i've played a few gigs w/james & band tho not sure about this wkend since i'm so ill. all's so wonderful w/james these days. he says we're now "on the same team," & i already got us signed up for the international convention in detroit july 2020, where i'll hope to reach two bits of sobriety. wow! a whole life now w/o booze! thank you, higher power. it's astounding!!!
here's a terrific showcase video for james. watch amazing victor come in on guitar about 3/4 through -- wow!! i make the funniest faces on here: sour grapes pickle face when james starts "crawdad hole" w/o telling us that's what it'll be, which means i didn't get to play what i would've; & ecstacy as if high like cheech & chong after victor's chuck berry guitar solo. i see again i am the woman of 1000 faces, looking like a different person (pretty, homely, fat, thin, old, young) depending on my mood & angle. james & i are the same this way tho he's much better-looking than i am. we are shapeshifters. maybe besides monsters, comic books, mad mag, MUSIC, exercise, tiny toys, kids, animals, & some other stuff that's why we were attracted to each other so powerfully, a coupla magnets. seven years down the road, i could not be happier.
james & i had done the homeboy 5k that morn in downtown LA, his first running event. it was a hugely fun trip, tripping around chinatown, downtown, phillipe's, little jewel of new orleans, the race, visiting sherri & james jr, then long beach, san pedro, this & that, but by the time we played, he said he was so tired he was seeing spots. still he is the greatest up there, the muhammad ali of the stage. or the mike tyson. or the james page. :)
thanks to johnny angel for this video. i know how long it takes to cut & mix something like this. he worked hard to create this video of us, & we are grateful.