this past week really stank!! -- but now it's over & we have both vehicles back & i am no longer ill & james is in line to make all needed phone calls tomorrow... the best thing about this past week is i was selected as teacher of the month by our swell new principal & i got closer w/my wonderful school friends, who shuffled me around while i was wheel-less. yesterday we went & got the white shadow from bakersfield, where dad had lovingly had it repaired. james & i had very tasty meal at a japanese restaurant with dear sweet mama, then he sawed logs at the gias' while i attended to procuring provisions from the local big lots store...
i know; this post is boring; what can i say? i just ate a quesadilla & feel mildly queasy... and to continue the unremarkable news, i need to see if my amp still works after it was bounced all over I-5 in james's car accident... and if i can get my stand to stand or if i will need to get another before saturday. oh; and do school work: there's always that.
in other news, two weeks to vacation, & we got a pet-sitter to care for her highness the dog & his highness the gato while we're gone.
that's a big yippee!!
here's the flyer for saturday. james likes candy, magic tricks, cheesy tortilla chips, chicken (to eat, not raise), marvel comic books, kool cigarettes, and lots of cash money. thank you for your attention!
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