i am 50 years old today.
good grief.
going to try not to contemplate Existence too much today.
run five miles slowly (didn't finish yesterday due to injury). try to remember each life-decade with each mile.
then watch movie. eat ice cream. go to bed. wake up tomorrow & have another day.
love, jenny
hello. i'm jenny page. long ago, i had a kick#ss band in bakersfield cali, the dusk devils. you still can find dd music online. i'm from a wonderful family & now live in the mountains of cali with my dear spouse, whiteboy james, aka james or other names i won't list here. we're as happy as two nuts can be. life's an adventure, a chore, a beauty, a choice, a turn -- short, but as good as you make it (in this culture, anyways), so let's not forget that!
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
choke sputter bleghghh!!

peeps the outside kitty is calling for food, so better get going...
Sunday, July 23, 2017
is this thing on?

oh well; i will work on this. i will talk to my honey the boss (he destroyed the place, btw, of course!).
and i know wed at shenanigan's, w/the combo, w/just me, james & steve, i will be audible.
Friday, July 21, 2017
tiny sounds...
- to my right out the open window, i heard tiny nipping mooshing sounds, like very light sprinkler on grass... but there is no grass around here... so i peeked out & there were the quail. i counted 17 this time, all fat & adorable & beautiful, blending with the earth, pecking at the earth, eating all the evil horrible fire ants, i hope... how could anyone eat quail?? -- i mean, except in situations of necessity... but come on: how otherwise could anyone hurt them/shoot them/eat them? the older i get, the more i think of meat-eating as really rather wrong although i also believe humans evolved to eat other creatures... damned ambivalence... damned conscience... damned compunctive coconut...
- well, as soon as james took off i tackled The Room. he's been bummed bc penny became un-housebroken when we went on vacation: she's been pooping in his room, very politely, i might add; she has no idea she's doing wrong. i've been itching to get in there, anyways, cause i'm much better at organizing than is james, so when he gave me the green flag to clean/organize his space, & jumped! - and four hours later, i finished... i think he will be so happy when he gets home tomorrow night. :)
- i'm staying home tonight to sit with the animal children; plus i have important appointments tomorrow morn & will from now on, so friday shows leading to so-cal stayover will be mostly out for me. i'm excited to play don the beachcomber tomorrow as well as use my new amp with the whole band. i used it with the combo last time, & was delighted & excited by the huge piano sound!! then the damned thing cut out twice. argghhhh!!!!
i finally got to bakersfield the other day to swap it. i originally bought a refurbished unit, but.... they exchanged it for a brand new one in the box!!! yaaaay!! then i headed to get my car stereo fixed at advance on buck owens blvd (i still need to yelp them up), really nice & helpful fellows, i didn't even have an appt, & the guy took one look & said, "do you have a cat?" the stereo was gummed up w/peewee fur. haaaahhhhh! so now i can listen to npr & piano red again!! i think tomorrow if i'm lucky at least some of what i play will sound like him bc i tend to play like whatever i've been listening to... i love piano red!!!! yes, i'm looking fwd to tomorrow, & glad i stayed home to take care of my important bidness. before tackling the tornado room project, early this a.m. i promoed james's shows this weekend. i thought all was well til 8 hrs later i look at the social media feed. 10 yrs ago, i never made a mistake (well, hardly) in writing/typing, in fact, i was kind of a snob about it, & now (karma? i think age) i'm fraught (using it as a noun, thank you very much): i made a flyer, posted it, 1200 ppl saw it and... i put the wrong date on it. arrrgghghghghghhgh!!!
- time to get ready to run. next wkend is the 1/2 marathon. 2:30:00 ostensibly is my goal, but actually, FINISHING WITHOUT INJURY is the true goal... yaaaaaay!!
- OMG!! I'VE HAD THIS BLOG FOR 13 YEARS & JUST DISCOVERED IT HAS A BUILT-IN DICTIONARY & THESAURUS!! oh, thank you, great pumpkin! the universe is good. :)
- ps, watch in the heat of the night (1967), if you haven't or haven't recently... what a terrific film! james exhorted many times afterward, "they call me MISTER tibbs!" i was wowed by sidney poitier's subtlety of expression & loved the part where fat old rod steiger jacked up the racist scum...
- well, as soon as james took off i tackled The Room. he's been bummed bc penny became un-housebroken when we went on vacation: she's been pooping in his room, very politely, i might add; she has no idea she's doing wrong. i've been itching to get in there, anyways, cause i'm much better at organizing than is james, so when he gave me the green flag to clean/organize his space, & jumped! - and four hours later, i finished... i think he will be so happy when he gets home tomorrow night. :)
- i'm staying home tonight to sit with the animal children; plus i have important appointments tomorrow morn & will from now on, so friday shows leading to so-cal stayover will be mostly out for me. i'm excited to play don the beachcomber tomorrow as well as use my new amp with the whole band. i used it with the combo last time, & was delighted & excited by the huge piano sound!! then the damned thing cut out twice. argghhhh!!!!
i finally got to bakersfield the other day to swap it. i originally bought a refurbished unit, but.... they exchanged it for a brand new one in the box!!! yaaaay!! then i headed to get my car stereo fixed at advance on buck owens blvd (i still need to yelp them up), really nice & helpful fellows, i didn't even have an appt, & the guy took one look & said, "do you have a cat?" the stereo was gummed up w/peewee fur. haaaahhhhh! so now i can listen to npr & piano red again!! i think tomorrow if i'm lucky at least some of what i play will sound like him bc i tend to play like whatever i've been listening to... i love piano red!!!! yes, i'm looking fwd to tomorrow, & glad i stayed home to take care of my important bidness. before tackling the tornado room project, early this a.m. i promoed james's shows this weekend. i thought all was well til 8 hrs later i look at the social media feed. 10 yrs ago, i never made a mistake (well, hardly) in writing/typing, in fact, i was kind of a snob about it, & now (karma? i think age) i'm fraught (using it as a noun, thank you very much): i made a flyer, posted it, 1200 ppl saw it and... i put the wrong date on it. arrrgghghghghghhgh!!!
- time to get ready to run. next wkend is the 1/2 marathon. 2:30:00 ostensibly is my goal, but actually, FINISHING WITHOUT INJURY is the true goal... yaaaaaay!!
- OMG!! I'VE HAD THIS BLOG FOR 13 YEARS & JUST DISCOVERED IT HAS A BUILT-IN DICTIONARY & THESAURUS!! oh, thank you, great pumpkin! the universe is good. :)
- ps, watch in the heat of the night (1967), if you haven't or haven't recently... what a terrific film! james exhorted many times afterward, "they call me MISTER tibbs!" i was wowed by sidney poitier's subtlety of expression & loved the part where fat old rod steiger jacked up the racist scum...
Monday, July 17, 2017
Piano Red - Right and Ready - 1953
piano red had the most natural & beautiful force this side of big manny, my friend manuel, rip.
i am in love with piano red!! not romantically, but in that agapic, storgic, ludic manner, i think, as well as the seeing-through-this-mortal-plain-into-the-vastness way. especially this song. play it full blast.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
the dog & i took a jog tonight. this is the day in the one-month training plan for a slow 35 minutes, so we cruised comfortably. dad ordered me some neonish velcro safety bands, so with these on my ankles or wrists, we're highly visible. to be extra safe, if i see headlights, we step all the way off the road. i've been running a lot lately, & i feel that comfy achy tiredness that tells me my body has been in action. it feels right. my brain sits better when i wear out my body exercising.
earlier in the eve, after i'd shared a sobriety bd cake w/my dear home meeting friends, the phone rang in a seeming "god shot." was it providence? coincidence? randomness? in any event, it was good news.
after the phone call, i had to put out fires & everyone i called/texted was hugely relieved by the great news that james is ok. (we have not known if he were for many days.) james is so, so loved; i hope he knows that.
my burden of the last many days thus much lifted, penny & i hit the road. only last night, when i ran ran ran to quell sadness & frustration, the full moon rose & the night gleamed silver, even shimmering a bit... tonight was inky black, & i was grateful for my pink neon bands.
home again, i poured a tall glass of milk, which of late is said to be even better for muscle recovery than performance drinks. glancing at the fridge shelf, i saw for the first time ever -- though i know it's been there for maybe even years --- hershey's syrup.
certainly that was providence... poor memory enabling fortuitous moment?
it's near time for bed bc i gotta rise early. angie & i have been teaching art camp summer school in arvin ca, a hard-working farm-laboring community 35 minutes away, a little place unfairly hit with the worst air in all of kern county. today was hard to concentrate with my mind on ill husband, but you can't help noticing that angie sure is a bright & talented teacher. her ideas, enthusiasm, & dedication amaze me each day. what a gift to get to teach with my little sister!
the kids are wonderful: smart, sweet, funny, adorably cute, every single one hispanic, two speaking just spanish. what a lovely, lovely bunch of children. they warm my heart & remind me what i love most about teaching...
no god personified, certainly there is a force, energy, grand structure, evolution toward life & growth & "good." why i'm here i'll never get to know with any certainty, but i sure need to remember to be thankful all the time for the happenstance, fortuity, coincidence, or whatever that has placed me on this road. even with the speed bumps & crashes, right now, at this momento, this road again seems like the right one for me, unlike the other day.
to record such ups & downs is part of why i blablablog, & if you do, too, well, please let me know.
earlier in the eve, after i'd shared a sobriety bd cake w/my dear home meeting friends, the phone rang in a seeming "god shot." was it providence? coincidence? randomness? in any event, it was good news.
after the phone call, i had to put out fires & everyone i called/texted was hugely relieved by the great news that james is ok. (we have not known if he were for many days.) james is so, so loved; i hope he knows that.
my burden of the last many days thus much lifted, penny & i hit the road. only last night, when i ran ran ran to quell sadness & frustration, the full moon rose & the night gleamed silver, even shimmering a bit... tonight was inky black, & i was grateful for my pink neon bands.
home again, i poured a tall glass of milk, which of late is said to be even better for muscle recovery than performance drinks. glancing at the fridge shelf, i saw for the first time ever -- though i know it's been there for maybe even years --- hershey's syrup.
certainly that was providence... poor memory enabling fortuitous moment?
it's near time for bed bc i gotta rise early. angie & i have been teaching art camp summer school in arvin ca, a hard-working farm-laboring community 35 minutes away, a little place unfairly hit with the worst air in all of kern county. today was hard to concentrate with my mind on ill husband, but you can't help noticing that angie sure is a bright & talented teacher. her ideas, enthusiasm, & dedication amaze me each day. what a gift to get to teach with my little sister!
the kids are wonderful: smart, sweet, funny, adorably cute, every single one hispanic, two speaking just spanish. what a lovely, lovely bunch of children. they warm my heart & remind me what i love most about teaching...
no god personified, certainly there is a force, energy, grand structure, evolution toward life & growth & "good." why i'm here i'll never get to know with any certainty, but i sure need to remember to be thankful all the time for the happenstance, fortuity, coincidence, or whatever that has placed me on this road. even with the speed bumps & crashes, right now, at this momento, this road again seems like the right one for me, unlike the other day.
to record such ups & downs is part of why i blablablog, & if you do, too, well, please let me know.
Monday, July 10, 2017
the distance between heart and head...
is a universe. i know a thing intellectually, but not emotionally, & vice versa.
for instance, i believe there's no such things as curses, but i do believe this blog is cursed.
been down this road before, i think, tho the details were different! i do not like this road!!! i want off this road!! i never intended to walk it!!! what happened?!?!? how did i get here?!?!?!
sonny terry & brownie mcghee
f word. f word. f word.
for instance, i believe there's no such things as curses, but i do believe this blog is cursed.
been down this road before, i think, tho the details were different! i do not like this road!!! i want off this road!! i never intended to walk it!!! what happened?!?!? how did i get here?!?!?!
sonny terry & brownie mcghee
f word. f word. f word.
Sunday, July 09, 2017
penny is healed!! and other news...
on the up side, our doggy has been pronounced cured of her canine hemophilia. yaaaay! on the down side, while we were in ventura, doggy forgot that she was housebroken. boooooo!
on the boo side, i have a headache due to the heat & haven't gotten in my long run today, so will have to do it tomorrow when i get home from day one (of only five) of summer school art camp. i get to teach with my sister! yaaay! ok, better go find some medicine for this headache...
after attending many meetings since my sobriety bd on july 4, & i finally got a chip last night!! yaaaay!
yesterday i hooked up the 45 year old evaporative cooler my folks gave me years ago, so the house has been cooler. yes, tho old, the cooler seems to work. today & yesterday i sold items that didn't sell at our complete boooo/dud of a yard sale last week. $25 made so far! i've been in closer contact with friends lately. one of my dearest friends donna even came to visit today, marking her 2nd visit to this home in seven years. before my ultra-tidy friend arrived, i got the house clean. she loved the house, the breezes, our little town! donna & i went shopping & garnered clothing & books, had dewar's ice cream & bought new items at the outlet mall, got to catch up. i got nice gifts for others at value prices. all yays!
james made 10 bucks at a gig for jumping on a pool bull & staying on it. yay, james! soon he will be starting the new album. -- like maybe this year! he will feature songs he wrote & songs i wrote. this project will be completely under his creative control. it will be his vision. he won't be misrepresented as a sexist (yes, i know some of his catalog is sexist, but james the man is NOT & has absolutely hated the way he has been packaged), nor have his sound tinkered with by people with tin ears.... all big, huge yays!!

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