Thursday, January 28, 2016

life is a cabaret, old chum...

... one made of microtubules. this i wrote on fb, so rather than rewrite, am pasting it here bc what it describes is highly noteworthy:
Just watched 2010 BBC documentary "The Day I Died" on Youtube !!!!! Mind is separate from brain, microtubules within each cell operate as quantum computers, superposition & quantum entanglement allow consciousness to remain when the corpus dies; spooky & beautiful accounts from near-death survivors, plus the rationalist (skeptical) view to balance it all.. BBC pulled this doc after airing it, not wanting to be associated with "fringe" ideas, but... YOU GOTTA WATCH IT!! Its startling ideas baffled, excited & comforted me hugely & may you, too... jnypg
if that intrigues you, google stuart hameroff, one of the world's preeminent laborers in the field of microtubules & consciousness. fascinating research & theory! for more fun, google "qualia" & "seamus heaney," whom i studied & didn't appreciate as an undergrad, but do now in my relatively advanced (for me) years.
other than that, well, just was reminded today again life's quite a ride, quite a cabaret, quite a merry-go-round, quite an unpredictable baffling tamale... prompting a new song. haven't written a full one in quite some months.  a little sunshine on a cloudy day? more like a cathartic process i'm vitally fortunate to possess.
it's beautiful here. gonna blow this popstand for a bit to visit friend & family. arrividerci.

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