need to complete the 1st unit in this free archaeology class i signed up for, hosted by brown university ( - of COURSE, mama knew about it! she's a genius!) ... am too-full on chili pasta jamesjr cooked up, so not much blood's flowing in the brain... instead will upload this pic from yesterday of the ultra-photogenic james & his band & blabla a bit.
the wounded warrior project is highly worthy; james & the 44s played in its support in craggy canyon country. monique & her man john drove all the way up from LB so she could dance & he could smile; they are some right-on nice-folk devoted fans, & the bigger & stronger james gets, the more moniques & johns he attracts & the more detritus sloughs off... motivational speaker tommy middaugh was one of the organizers of the WWP event; he's the guy w/o whom james & i'd never've been able to marry, we were such nervous babbling wrecks at his vegas spread last oct 21! he made it all happen! thank you, tommy & lisa! ... tommy told me alotta nice things about my piano playing & character, then declared i am james's "mountain." i'm always made nervous by such talk, but on the way home, james shared more horror stories of days' past & it clicked why so many ppl think i've done this: you can't go from there to here. this quickly.
unless you're james.
since oct 2, his life & mine've changed hugely, but especially his, for as james sings in the roy brown song, he definitely is "a mighty mighty man"...nothing can stop him 'cept him, like nothing can stop me but me... go, james, go, i say! grab that brass ring!
well, his band's europe trip is sculpting up nicely, & just heard yesterday the band is going on the road! it'll be great to see the dark, spiritual black hills again! that pt of south dakota's one of the swellest places i've ever been, & i've been lots of places!... we got burgers w/kaykay & cindy on the way home & i'm so glad to've been there hearing those two tough big-hearted gals tell a hilarious & hair-raising story about saving a pack of dogs' lives by hurling weapons & deserved invective at the dogs' slimeball owners (then cindy, a life-long animal rescuer, actually took the dog injured & did triage, saving its life!)... the burger joint employees' faces kept peering nervously thru the window as cindy & kaykay snarled & cussed their brave & violent & gut-busting tale of canine rescue & human comeuppance.... at the end, james said what he often says, w/that gleeful & gigantic grin of his: "sometimes you gotta be a stop sign. i'm a stop sign,... & you were, too!" "hell-f***in' YEAH!" yelled kaykay, & all i could do was laugh out loud w/admiration...

today at the swap we were drawn to a sedate & fragrant giant sitting calmly in the middle of the bargain hustle-bustle, a magical tree that we marveled at, touched, smelled: "can you feel its energy?" james smiled, & you COULD! its balance & musk & shade were not just comforting, but transformative -- truly! last wk i started reading a well-written tome about deluded monsters-masked-as-males in a fundamentalist church & after throwing it across the rm in disgust & snarling that all organized religions are ridiculous fantasies foisted by bullies & believed by half-wits, calm returned: there IS order. there IS good: beautiful, orderly direction. positive universal growth. even if we humans in our terrible defects can be so ruinously ugly, stupid, petty, vicious, etc... the Life Force simply is & cannot be stopped. god is in the trees. in the mountains. in the breeze. in us, deep within. ugliness, fear, violence, shame, grief swell up like waves swell, but then break -- change comes like that, the way a fractal on verge of seeming chaos snaps back into patternly order... the best books i read last wk were "zen & the art of writing" by bradbury as well as "too loud to see, too bright to hear" by juliann garvey, both about ppl like us, all broken & miraculous & human & flawed & divine... then we were talking w/tommy about god & da vinci & pain forcing change & i saw this quote from the "secret" gospel of thomas: "if you bring forth that which you have within you, it will save you. if you do not, it will destroy you."
well, back to reading... chili's about digested now.