blogs: what a curious phenom! public diaries, logs of blablablas, contradictions, i think!
james is truly irish (well, german, too): born on st patrick's day. each yr he has parties & gigs; this yr he said he wanted to do "nothing." "why do i need a bunch of people patting me on the back telling me how great i am?" he commented. "i want to be w/my family." friday we drove to the mtn home to the most glorious blue-skied, clean-breezing day. "i fall in love w/you again every time i'm here!" he exclaimed. "it reminds me of our early days..." mom & dad arrived, bringing delicious home-cooked food for james's birthday as well as their old (our new) dining room table, which we set up in the mid of the music rm, mountain views all around. angie & doug then showed up, along w/skinny the beloved mountain cat, & we had a lovely happy meal; a&d stayed the night & we all got in pjs & watched a happy, sappy movie & laughed our heads off; next day j&i did some yard work, shopped at the little places in the mountain town's center, then plowed back to OC to take james jr to see his favorite band, a gift from his dad, who was greeted by gifts & gourmet cupcakes from james jr & sherri. james & i meanwhile ended up having the most magical eve, stumbling upon billy watson at iva lee's in san clemente. billy watson! we had creole food & laughed & cheered & were awed by this incredible musician & human. "he's not drunk or high," i told james. "he's fully alive! look at him!" he agreed. on break, billy watson gave james a big bear hug & laughed like they were long-lost friends (james said he did that the 1st time they'd met); "he's the modern-day howlin' wolf!" billy told me of james, & a chill ran down my spine... wow! billy watson knew of what he spoke... WOW! he looked at me & then at james & said, "got married? you done good, buddy!" then he hugged me, laughing. "you're the piano player! i saw those pictures of you two & thought, wow! now that's cool!" billy is winning, lithe & wily, the most intelligently exciting harmonica player/band leader you've seen housed in peewee herman's youthfully exuberant frame. he didn't swear at all, but was no cream puff, little-rascals tough & 100x more talented. billy knows his american music! evidence was his top-drawer band: john bazz on acoustic bass, alan west on drums (he carries his set on his motorcycle! he, too, remembered james & greeted him fondly... his splash-kick combos were like fireworks!) & awesome adrian demain on guitar... james nearly had stars in his eyes as he said, "i think this is the happiest day of my life"... next day, his birthday, we mostly slept & rested, venturing out only to visit dave at house of hayden, have a quiet dinner, then sprawl before the tv dozing as "chariots of the gods" played on netflix... i concluded the eve reading more marcus aurelius, whose meditations i remembered to get from the mountain home, & meditating. when in these practices, "problems" & the like roll off me like water off a duck's back. our dad's long-been that way, having read the stoics & zen monks thru his 20s, & it's time for me to step up to the plate. equilibrium, dignity, calm: i want to be like dad, w/mama's generosity & love. they sure teach us how to be... finally, here's james's facebook post, which i put here so it's not lost in the FB shuffle, & so those of you good folks not our FB "friends" can read this spirit that sparkles...
"Hello people! Mr. and Mrs. Page are at the mountain home, stayed there last night, had dinner with The Gias! My new Mom is the best cook on the planet, new Dad is a gift from above, Doug & Angie are a true blessing too! I love my life these days! Ah, yes. James Jr. is the coolest nerd teen/man on the planet. My wife is my favorite thing, leaving ice cream a distant second. What? Did I call My Wife a thing? Well if you want to make something out of it, say it to my face! My wife says I am tough, but she is no cream puff. She's not mooshy inside. She is like a sweet juicy fritter! A cool drink of water when I am crossing the desert dying of thirst!
"Did I mention that my band is cooler than an Eskimo titty in a brass bra?
"Peace out........."
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