Thursday, December 06, 2012

(mush alert) so happy...

...for james. for james and i. for us. so happy & grateful. :) all is well. he was singing & writing new songs downstairs at 2 am, on the heels of the most marvelous night ever. the energy at harvelle's was so positive, so good, so... ah. don't even have the words. his wonderful voice was ringing up from the garage. he called me down to sing me a wonderful song he'd written. he looked at me adoringly: "now you're MY muse," he said: "thank you, honey." he stayed up all night, like he does, but in happy pursuits. now he's scarfing down cause after shows he gets so hungry & becomes an eating machine for a while. the man has a metabolism like none other i've ever witnessed, just yet one more quality of his that amazes me. he is ever-amazing... soon he'll be up here with me. later we'll ride bikes, have coffee, who knows? yes, we're so excited about today, the future. "i've been operating at a deficit," he said yesterday, looking at me as if in a moment of clarity. "chain down the world -- here i come!" today he is a conduit for the universe & realizes it. he "shines as bright as light." he says i do, too. much quicker than i ever saw, he realized we are here on earth to serve man (no, not like on twilight zone)... & get to do so, aside from being big-hearted toward others, w/our gifts of music. wow! i'd say his talents are ampler, more prodigious, astounding, even, but he'd say, "don't talk bad about my wife. i love my wife & i picked her to be my wife. my wife is the best there is." so i won't. i'll just count myself lucky at this moment to be feeling this way, knowing he feels just as... blessed. yes. that's the right word... "No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit." - Helen Keller


Linda said...

I'm happy for you. You sound fulfilled in ways that I've never noticed before.

Linda said...

This is the third time I've tried to leave a comment because I cannot read the dumb words that are required. Hopefully this one will take.

Jenny, you sound happier than I've ever heard you, which makes me very happy for you.

jenny page said...

thank you, linda. :) hope all is lovely in your world. :) love, jenny
ps - i know what you mean about the dumb words, but they keep spam, stalkers, & mean people at bay so (unfortunately) are necessary. tell all of our mutual friends "hi," should it come up! :D

jenny page said...
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