Saturday, May 12, 2012


one door shuts, another opens. i have dropped one band & am a tad sad about it because of some of its fun members & friends, but actually i'm mostly relieved cause i need to make sure i'm in positive environments as much as possible!... the door that has opened means wednesday i get to go play bass with big manny! then wednesday night is a karling & the atomics show w/deke dickerson. then thursday we record, or start to... add to this, dusk devils have gigs & opportunities. finally, my friend down south says he has guys who will back me, if i want to play shows down there... wow! yes, i'm wading in the stream of music, as phil alvin said one must, if one wants to be a part, & the water is not just fine, but wonderful: come on in! my life is incredible, i say, w/o arrogance, but w/wonder. i never dreamed it could go this direction, w/my "sensitive" (wimpy?) temperament & mood struggles. (heck, everyone's got their problems... those just are mine.) i know & meet so many fabulous & talented humans all the time, as well as the occasional untalented & even mean one, as well as many more who are someplace in-between: most of us are a mixed bag, of course, humans "just trying to live," as friends have said. there are bad eggs, for sure, but must remember: "if i knew all, i'd understand all." every bad egg has some kind of bad story, is what i've learned... others are our teachers -- of what we want to be & what we don't want to be, as well as reminders of what we've been & don't want to be again. yes, to've experienced such anger from someone i considered a friend was shocking, but then i had to admit, i've been that person before & could be again. what i reap, i sow. do i believe that? not sure. maybe it's just life... may difficulties be water under the bridge, w/no lingering resentment or anger... our folks didn't raise us that way, &, at least for now, life goes on! so friends, let's play music, make new bonds, treasure loved ones, live life! not sure to whom i'm addressing this, but it's a good sentiment for cultivating a grateful heart, i think: "thank you for what you've given me, & thank you for what you've taken away..." xo to all

1 comment:

Memphis Mike said...

Just a thought....

Leaving one band merely opens the doors to playing with different bands. Its like moving to another town. You can always go back and visit...and when/if you do, just think of all of the neat souveneirs you can bring! ;-)