...just delivered the drums to B2 studios for tomorrow's recording, so now of course can't sleep. on the simpsons one time, homer was obsessively googling his name, drawing an embarrassed laugh from many (me, anyways). when i just googled my spouse, this pic is what came up:

when i 1st went to tow-headed b's home, i espied an LP bearing his name & a pic of a sneering flat-topped blond kid on a late-50s hot wheel. "oh, NO," i thought, heart sinking, yet weirdly satisfied. "ANOTHER musician!" but turns out b's cousin did A&R for a record co in NYC & in the rockabilly-new wave 80s, had sent him the LP, the US release of the above, as a joke. b, despite having a sonorous speaking voice & open-minded love of most music i love, can't carry a tune in a box, as he'd tell you (you can find the musical (aussie) bb's playing-chicken-w/-train tune "see you on the other side" online) ... when i googled dad, no pix came up - ironic since our dad's always been handsome as a movie star (he most resembled gene kelly, or the husband/dad in the sears catalog). as a kid, i'd get mad & jealous when gals would swoon after him, tho neither he nor mama cared. blazers manuel asked me more than once if clean-cut dad had ever been an astronaut: he's that upright & square-jawed-looking. but no pic online - just his history website (see link at R) as well as a ref on AWAD - & THAT is VERY cool!!!... a friend recently asked, when i told him dad's family was nor-italian, why i wasn't blonde. well, here's a pic of our mama from when she was in college choir - she's the lovely, naturally tan one w/the shy smile. :)

when i look up my sis, angelina jolie in "gia" comes up. our angie is a martial-arts pro who illustrated a book about buck owens shortly before owens' death; she worked dang hard on that thing, & we're all proud of her talent & dedication. but no pix exist online of her from that gig anymore, not a one!! (she's cute, fellows, & she can cook, too, & she's brilliant. and she will kill me if she reads this!!)
when you look up my birth name, seamy sites, asian teens, & some leftist articles come up, only one category being me. (hint: tho i've had many a rough ride in my life, i've always pretty much been a goody two-shoes, really.)
as chico's asked, when we gonna cut the wattamelon???
well, i've slowed down enough to hit the bed, so i shall. don't let the bed bugs bite ya or the good lord smite ya. :) i mean that in the most respectful way, too...
1 comment:
....hope the recording went swimmingly......
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