(flyer at left for The Show That Ain't Gonna Happen)... i'm exhausted from last night's show with cattie ness & the revenge! there were about 15 bands at the "rock the tower" show, mostly young folks dressed up & hanging out in the big dressing room... i panicked for several days prior when cattie requested that we all wear turquoise... TURQUOISE!! but i found a "gown" and hope i looked appropriately like a revenger, tho i still didn't feel much glamorous! we were sweating all evening: first from the despicable & debilitating heat, then 'cause drummer jose called at 6 pm and was still in smellay!! had to work & four bums had called in sick on a saturday! driving at speeds certainly exceeding legal limits, he arrived at the tower & fell out of his car 15 mins before we were to be onstage... then the sound! same thing that happened at the elvis show cursed us: the drummer had no monitors! train wreck! by the end of the set, i thought, i might sprain both arms, but i'm gonna go for it! and pounded those keys like the sloppy little imitation killer that i sometimes delude myself i am... the audience cheered its head off!! so all in all, as bomar said, "you guys hung in there and pulled it off." and as cattie said, batting her glamorous eyelashes, "well, we looked good." i dig her punk rock attitude...
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