this has nothing to do with rock & roll, but has been my obsession since after the sat night show up north. all went well, but then a fight broke out after i left. (sing: "it was a knock-down drag out, you gotta find a place to hide!!") cattie looked great & i whooped it up by having a puff off a cherry-flavored cigar after our set. then home along dark 99 (though the moon was full) to dog & kitty and the next day i did nothing but eat crepes with wonderful chestnut spread (pictured) & surf for music on amazon.com, not capable of much else, & grateful i had the luxury of a sunday off to R&R. even today, i feel a little groggy... guess educator hours & musician hours don't jibe 'less you're hearty as a sailor, and that ain't me! cool bands i heard... 16 horsepower & detroit cobras... also liked a few cuts on "blastered," a tribute to downey's finest, plus dock hobbs, cleo brown, big joe durkin (thanks for the tip, vince!).
Now I want crepes... even though it's getting late. By the way, I added your blog to my music and art pages here. I hope you don't mind. I've been talking to Matt Munoz... he educated me on your band...
cool! but the "here" link don't work! i seem to get replies from folks with non-working links. what does this mean????
nick, your page is interesting! good to know there are active artsy folks locally! i'm going there now to look at bit more after this. have you written for the blackboard http://www.theblackboardfreepress.com? my friends joaquin and carla write for it & i know the founding editor, also a lot of its other staff. the bbd definitely would be interested in you, though your name sounds suspiciously familiar in that context!
matt munoz -- yes! ain't he a mentoburroian, as in the biggest local party band there is?
thanks for the email! crepes is the best!
Hmm, when I tested the link initially it worked. The link just went to my arts page. I don't write for the blackboard, but I have been in contact with Mr. Ricketts. He's a cool cat and contacted me recently about a few ideas... I hope to see your band perform soon! Viva la crepes!
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