-it snowed this morning. on may 22. freaky!
-school was not cancelled because it was a "warm" snow, so the roads weren't at all icy.
-no climate change, huh? dump can suck an egg. i can't wait til he is imprisoned!!!!

-on mother's day while grocery shopping with mom and dad for their big bash (mama's day + dad's birthday), i got some discount foccaccia breads, so now i'm baking one topped with pasta sauce, green bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic salt, basil, & some canned roast "beast," as my paternal aunts have called it. the animal flesh came from a yard sale last weekend that turned out to be an awesome thing: out off darling road, driving in past stables with quarter horses, "million dollar horses," said james, to a ranch property plateau featuring a partially-built, 10,00 square foot buried house resembling an earth ship but made of concrete. also at this sale were trailer after shipping container after trailer after shipping container of machining tools; bumper-car-looking vehicles that likely were vintage golf carts; classic vehicles from model A to lincoln continental; a silver airstream trailer; all kinds of heavy machinery from cement truck to excavator to bull dozer; industrial fans; boxes of canned butter (i took home three because the cans were beautiful); scores of office chairs; rebar; camp fridges; more vehicles; tools of all kinds; &, inside the uncompleted house, cool as a cave, table after table of endless items; the list went on & on & on & on. this was the estate of a man who passed a few years ago; his son-in-law said that building this gigantic house, his life dream, likely had shortened his life; he worked endlessly on the project, year after year, obsessively. i thought, predictably, of quixote.
- james shared friendly chatter with the young man, who has a stray cats tribute band back home in indiana & was fascinated by james's talk of a working musician's experiences. james brought home, among other things, a high school-style locker, diamond-head tools, & a full box of canned food, the good kind from cost-co. i got bird houses, another bird fountain, some little bakelite-looking fixtures for the trailer, & other stuff...
here are some pix from the most recent, "electrifying" bakersfield show with whiteboy james & the blues express. i met maureen & phil c, independently, in 1995, the year my life had to change, & was so very delighted to see both as well as a few others i've not seen in years! i hope you can see the delight on everyone's faces. what a great time that evening was! if only my health would have stayed with me... i've just been off & on sick before & since.
- just got home from the meditation meeting & am filled up with this fortunate feeling of being alive, loving others, being loved, & having only golden problems anymore.
-think i have adenoiditis, but hope it's only sinusitis, which is familiar. this mercurial weather is dramatic & beautiful, but NOT good when one's head is a barometer!
- well, the timer just went off, so once james is back from walking the penny, time for pizza.