here's a pic of sally jo & me from (again) the elvis show. sally jo & her hubby justin curtis (pic'd below) are super-attractive, real friendly, smooth dancers, & have a great, home-spun honky-tonk western swing act (
www.justincurtis.com). good listening, good times. there are more pix now posted at
www.sofein.com, too... but for now, i am deliriously sick from latest allergy treatment. they don't usually get me this bad, but here i am! sore ears, sore throat, swollen eyes, no energy... i was gonna write a list of favorite songs, just for fun, because why not?, this is my blablablablog & who cares, no one's much reading, but no brain power to do so... there's a lot going on this weekend here, but i'm not doing any of it: blues jams at fishlips, ethel's, bluegrass fest, live shows, plays, runs, etc. then there's something i've heard of called (i think) "superbowl" tomorrow. it'll be a good day to go to the movies, i say, or stay in bed. in fact, i'd best hang it up right now & go to bed. toujours gai, as mehitabel said, but for now, the pillow & oblivion's all i seek. one thing's for sure - this too shall pass: the good, the bad, the ugly, the everything, so more the reason to sleep off a sick & get back into the stream of life. happy, healthy weekend, & this sermon's now kaput.