today i was allergy-ill (of course), but had big music. first i went to record back-up harmonies along with jill egland for brit friend david nigel lloyd's latest irish-celtic LP, I mean, CD. on 58 east, we passed the turn off for caesar chavez' grave, then headed for dave odgen's clear creek studio at harte flat - nice mountain view, very state of the art equipment, very "live," they said. dave helped develop some akg mikes & so got this great spread as a result. we got going & i felt a little fish-out-of-water, but more comfortable on the last song, which is sort of bakersfield soundish. by the end, we were all laughing & adding in hollers and claps... after this, at home, i fortified myself with some peppy vitamins, put some girl clothes on, & headed out rosedale for larry mann's BD party. larry's played sax for little richard, bobby rydell, the comets, jerry lee, many you can name from that era. there were folks at the party from many bands in bakersfield -- i saw steve mayer and lou and bev marino, and met a bunch of others, too. jason never showed up, so, in a little richard configuration, two fellows named mark and herman BOTH filled in on bass... we were slamming!! we had to limit what we played, tho, so we wouldn't kill the bass players, & i couldn't hear well. as usual, i just shouted and pounded as best i could. we did about six songs, with larry sailing in on "roll 'em pete." afterward, folks were saying real nice stuff, so i guess it went over ok. and now, unfortunately, the vitamin hasn't worn off,... so here i sit... though not broken-hearted...