Wednesday, June 26, 2024

the saga of antoine pearl

i got antoine from a yard in santa barbara X years ago. don't remember if it was before or after the pandemic! we fixed him up, then my folks decided they would not want to stay in him. he was named after fats domino and the little girl from night of the hunter. (those are names i'd thought of for the children i never birthed.) then a big storm came & ripped the skylight off the bathroom & caused a living room leak. then we bought bluey, so antoine was pulled to the 2nd driveway. then there was an earthquake & he nearly came off his moorings. then angie sister said she would like to have him for a sewing/art studio. then her husband had some crazy idea of lifting antoine over their house with a crane & setting him down in their backyard. then of course that never happened because they would've had to contact the city, shut down the street, pay large fees, & why not just clean off the driveway & put antoine there instead? but oh well. now bluey is about to really, truly get his electrical installed. then all i have to do is turn the stairs so they are safer for mama to climb (well, actually, it will be a helluva job bc the stairs are really heavy) & hook up the water. then bluey will be ready for visitors. and now antoine pearl is for sale on ebay. i am afraid to look at the seller ratings bc i think someone put bad feedback from when i was selling books yrs back. and maybe for something james sold, like a record player. but anyways, here is the link. au revoir, antoine. i loved you for a while.

Friday, June 21, 2024


we are having a productive and positive summer so far! here is a pic from the other day. i filled in on "bass" and afterward thought, now why didn't i just practice some & then bring a bass? thank you to paula b for the pic. happy summer to all. :)
ps, the biggest bummer of late is the squirrel living in our kitchen.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Ronnie Mack's Barn Dance in Bakersfield

this was a fundraiser for our friends craig garrison and kathy kennedy, musicians. in feb, kathy was diagnosed with leukemia. she & craig have been clotheslined by the medical bills & expense of commuting 3x/wk to city of hope in so cal. the event was highly successful, in my estimate, tho i didn't see the final monies tally. standout for me was seeing old friends & making new, playing with the house band (esp ernie lewis & bob reynolds), getting to sing lots of harmonies, my set w my darling james, backing him later, james the force of nature, seeing sister angie & bro doug, & being part of a good thing. few a**holes were there, mostly just friendly folks wanting to have fun & help out. thank you to kind-hearted ronnie & friendly, feisty tammy for including us. kip of fishlips now runs the old train depot rustic rail, & i hope we'll go back under happier mission.